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Thursday, August 10, 2006

WW III: Another 9/11 Prevented

Ok. My last post was pure fun, now it is time to get serious. I've been fascinated by world events of late, as well as their portrayal in blogs, on websites, etc. While I don't know if I'd go as far as stating that WW III is upon us, it certainly feels as though we are hurtling towards something big. I, for one, have never experienced anything like it. However, from my standpoint, things have been building for the last 5 years. Quite honestly, I feel the same way I did right after 9/11: as though the world has been irrevocably changed.

As I mentioned earlier, I saw first hand the resurgence of anti-semitism while in Spain in 2002. I've watched over the last couple of years as places I frequented during various study abroad programs have been bombed. For example, the tube station I used on a daily basis during my stay in London, Russell Square Station, was at the heart of the London bombings of the summer of 2005. In early 2004, Atocha station in Madrid, Spain bombed. I had gone through that very station several times just 2 years before during my travels during my semester in Spain. That having been said, it does my heart good that the British were able to prevent another airline tragedy yesterday at Heathrow (incidentally, another place I spent quite some time while in London).

Immediately after 2001, I simply got on another airplane and kept on wtih my plans. Now, however, as the level of violence appears to rise across the world, I'm very content to stay put. It is not out of fear, but simply out of a sense that nothing good could come out of extensive travel at this time.

As I stated earlier, I have a deep, uneasy feeling that the world is now witness to an equivolent of the rise of Nazism during the 1930s.

Here is what I consider to be the best coverage of what is occuring right before our eyes. Pacifist, appeasers, apologists, anti-semites, and all enemies of freedom need not go further. There is nothing for you.

The Jawa Report: Victory? No, Not Victory. WW III Has Begun

The blog above is an amazing read, especially the article mentioned above.
The writer is dead on in his analysis in this particular article.
Oh, did I mention that this blog has been banned in India? No kidding. The government there is going out of their way to appease the growing Muslim minority; The Jawa Report was a casualty of their censorship. Show your support!

WorldNetDaily: Is this World War III?

This particular article gives a good summary of the history that led to the current world situation. He is correct in stating that Islamofascists seek nothing less than world domination.
Quite simply, not only do they want to destroy Israel, they want to destroy the U.S. and our way of life as well.

RealClearPolitics: Newt Is Right: It's World War War III

There has been a lot of debate as to whether or not Newt was right to describe the current world situation as World War III. The author of this article supports Newt's choice of words, and draws comparisons to World Wars I and II.

I've come across several additional articles regarding the current situation and I'll include the rest in my next post.

More later.



At 3:19 PM, Blogger Mercurior said...

part of the problem with the modern day security processes, they cause more fear in the public than the crime itself.

in my life i have nearly been blown up twice, only at the last minute did i avoid it i had a funny feeling and didnt go..

we in the Uk have lived with the terrorism, for over 30 years, the ira, sin fein, etc etc.. if you remember the day after the london bombs, people went back to work, saying we arent going to let these sods win.. thats what we should do, rather than let them alter who we are..

this is someone who has for every day of his life been aware that they could be blown up.

i am totally anti racist, i lost family members in the pogroms in germany, and i can see that hate is now the ultimate equality, everyone hates someone.. the problem is, hating "foreigners" is now easy to do, as they dont show their humanity anymore, its sort of what can i get, the uk government has been talking about race quotas for companies applying for government contracts.. why shouldnt it be the best workers for the job rather that skin colour..

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Cousin Pat said...

Howdy. My traffic was directed here by DADvocate.

I think you are right in not stating that WWIII is upon us. We are not facing WWIII as of right now - there are still many was back from the precipice - but the world is standing on the ledge above, with many ill winds waiting to blow us into such a hole.

That's why we have to be very, very careful in how we do things, as the lone Superpower, because we are the leader of the world and what we do is directly related to how this conflict will be handled.

That's why it is so important for us to speak clearly about what is going on now, and to be very clear on the nature of this conflict. The United States has been dealing with terrorism since at least 1984, when Hezbollah drove the US and France out of our last peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, paving the way for 20 years of Syrian occupaton. We've been at war with Iraq since 1991 and through three Presidential administrations who have made (IMHO) the same mistakes.

Of the articles you link to, I think the Jawa Report hits home a most important aspect of the debate: actual Declarations of War, and the fact that the west has not engaged in any such thing since WWII. When you are at war, your entire society must mobilize to defeat the enemy. That means an ultimatum, a formal declaration, clear and defined strategic goals, gasoline rationing, and a clarion call for millions of young folks to report to their nearest recruiter, directly.

Society must steel itself against the sight of civilian deaths and be ready to be 'all in' until the war's goals have been completed.

The only other option is a massive international force (like the ones employed in the Korean War, the Gulf War and the Balkans).

If those things do not exist, or society is not ready to accept them, other alternatives must be found through economic and diplomatic channels.

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Cousin Pat said...

And one last thing, this is about understanding the history and nature of this worldwide conflict.

Your author in World Net Daily is, I believe fervently, wrong in regards to his assessment that Israel did not steal land, did not oppress Palestinians etc. Let me make clear that such actions do not excuse terrorism, but unless we can speak honestly about the root causes of this conflict, we can never solve it.

I do not believe that author is discussing history very honestly with that assessment.

At 7:54 PM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Mercurior - Thank you for responding! I agree that we in the US need to learn to live with terrorism on a daily basis. Please remember, however, that until 9/11, the last "attack" on the continental US occured at our own hands during the US civil war from 1860-65. I remember my Mom bringing that to my attention to that fact on 9/11. Quite frankly, it is still taking time for our society to come to grips with this new reality.

While I agree that we need to awaken to the new reality, I also believe that we need to fight terrorism with a vengence. In this regard, I believe that the UK is leading the way.

As far as race quotas are concerned, we've had debate over afirmative action in the US for years. I agree with you whole-heartedly! The best person for the position should receive it - whether it be college admissions, government positions, or in the business world.

Thanks again for your insightful comments!


At 8:06 PM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Mr. Armstrong, thanks again for weighing in!

Personally, I don't see how the formation of Israel has anything to do with the current situation. What it boils down to is this: hardline Islam has called for the destruction of the Jewish people long before the rebirth of the Jewish state in 1948. The Jewish people lived in the area long before Muhammad or Islam.

If it wasn't for the overriding facts listed above, and the fact that Muslims have been at war with anyone not a part of their religion for centuries, I would support your view point. Either way, Hezebollah started the confrontation, is doing its best to smear Israel in the world press, and is very effective in using civilians as human sheilds. Let's face it, Islamofascists have NO respect for life whatsoever.

They treat women worse than animals.


At 9:31 PM, Blogger Cousin Pat said...

Lindsey, thanks for blogging. I have a lot of respect for DADvocate, so when he links somewhere, I generally follow. These are the most important discussions to have, so if you keep writing, I'll keep reading, even if y'all are up dere in Big 10(11) Country :)

Historically speaking, I believe the Israel/Palestine situation is the lynch-pin to the whole state of terrorism in the world.

Right now, Islam is going through a schism war, and they are dragging the West into it through both terrorism & attacks on Israel. There are a lot of different sides at play, and the dynamic is actually fairly new. What I see are generally 4 main state actors here, all relatively new on the scene (post 1948), and understanding that is the key to realizing what we are exactly up against.

There is Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Old Ottoman States.

Israel and Iran are the most alike, in that they are both nations based on religion (a Jewish Republic/an Islamic 'Republic'), surrounded on all sides by different civilizations & religions (Jew vs Muslim/Shia vs Sunni).

Then you have Saudi Arabia and the Old Ottoman States fighting over the soul of Sunni Islam. Wahabbi Sunnism - ascendant in Saudi Arabia, is the very woman-hating, kill the infidel, make the world a Caliphate philosophy that the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas & Al-Quaeda adhere to. Against this, you have the governments of the Old Ottoman Empire (clients of either the West or the Soviets during the Cold War), from Tunisia to Egypt to Jordan, struggling to hold onto control in their own nations.

The X factor is the fact that Wahabbist Sunnis hate the West and adherents of Shia Islam.

Why is Israel/Palestine the lynch pin? Because Israel/Palestine is the greatest common denominator. Iran supports Hezbollah and rails against Israel on TV because that keeps Wahabbist Sunni terrorists off their back. Against Israel, they are 'fighting the same enemy.'

Let me put it this way, if all Israelis just up and decided "we're sick of this," and left Israel, the Islamic world would immediately tear itself apart. Iran would then be innundated with AlQuaeda and Hamas suicide bombers, and every nation in the region would immediately descend into civil war.

Take the Israeli/Palestinian question out of the equation through the creation (or enforcement) of peace, and all those terrorist organizations created to 'defend the honor of the Palestinians' will have no 'noble cause' with which to rally. Pull back the curtian, and we expose them for the thugs that they are, and watch as their own people and governments dispatch them.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Mr. Armstrong...

Once again, incredibly insightful comment! I have a lot to say, so please bare with me as I'm also in the midst of creating the 3rd installment of the posts concerning the situation in the Middle East. I want to respond to your comment in depth.

By the way, I am a Michigan State grad! GO BIG 10! Anyway, I love Texas! I lived in Austin for 6 months doing a co-op while still in college. Then, after college, I spent a year working for a company in Houston. If it had all worked out - and I didn't have my entire family here in Michigan - including the family of my fiance - I'd still be living in Texas! If you don't mind, I'd like to consider myself an honorary Texan (I realize the only true Texans are people who were born there).

Much more soon.


At 11:01 PM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Well Mr. Armstrong, it is time to respond to your latest comment. I think you are on to something. Many people in the U.S. either A. Don't bother to learn or investigate or B. Simply refuse to acknowledge. Quite simply, most people in our country today simply want to revert into their own lives. They want the security of the pre-9/11 world.

As a result, they don't want to take the time to learn about Islam, Islamofascism (which is our true enemy in my opinion), or the nuances of the Middle East. In essence, we need to wake-up and quick!

I agree with you on a couple of points: 1.) I think that the retreat of Israel would lead to a powder-keg in the Middle East; 2.) I also believe that the Israel/Palestinean conflict is the lynch-pin.

However, I think the issue here is the fact that the U.S. isn't going to sit back and watch the Middle East go up in flames. In other words, we are preventing the true, all-out schism war that you described in your comment. In my opinion, it is neither good nor bad. On one hand, we are "preventing" a great deal of bloodshed. However, in doing so, we are not only putting ourselves in danger, we are preventing our enemy from imploding.

We are really between a rock and a hard place as we will be condemned no matter what course of action we take. Also, I believe that you don't give Iran enough credit in this situation. I think a lot of our actions are do to the fact that WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO ALLOW IRAN TO DEVELOP A NUCLEAR WEAPON. Personally, I think the talking heads that predict that Iran is 5-10 years away from a nuclear weapon have made a deadly miscalculation. Then again, we might learn the truth sooner rather than later (although I hope I'm wrong!)...

As far as DADvovate is concerned, I've been a fan for a long time! I can't say enough about him. Thanks again for being a loyal reader.

I'm going to unearth as much as I can.


At 12:14 AM, Blogger Cousin Pat said...

(I have now linked to all your articles, btw.)

The thing about Iran is that you have to look past 'the Beard' and who he plays on TV. He does not hold the power in Iran, that belongs to the Supreme Islamic Council. Whereas 'the Beard' may be nuts, those cats on the SIC are dedicated to the survival of their Islamic Republic, and they control the secret police.

The easiest way to check on Iran developing a nuclear weapon would be the internal strife within the Iranian government for control of it. You have possible crazies like 'The Beard,' who would be very dangerous with a nuclear weapon. But the Supreme Islamic Council have been very rational actors as far as the survival of Iran is concerend.

We will know Iran has developed a nuclear weapon when either 'The Beard' meets an untimely and mysterious demise and a dude named Rafsanjani becomes appointed interim President (bad for us because Iran has the bomb, good because crazy people don't control it) or the Ayatollahs and Mullahs start dropping like flies (very, very, very bad for us). That last one would be the point where serious intervention would need to be determined (IMHO).

At 12:37 AM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Wow. Incredibly interesting insight! "The Beard" - I like that. Personally, I equate him with the likes of Chavez... but I will get to that in a minute.

I think you are dead on with regards to an internal power struggle once Iran gets the bomb. Here is the interesting thing: What if the internal power struggle has already started? Honestly, think about it. What if "the Beard" truly is the dupe - a red herring - and power grabs have already taken place behind the scenes? The control of any media there is insane. BTW - have you checked out "The Beard"'s new blog? People are debating whether or not it is a spoof. Of course, all Iranians are surpressed from having their own blogs.

Ok, now back to Chavez. Do you follow what is going on in Latin America? Personally, I think Chavez is a Castro-wanna-be. However, what makes him dangerous is his willingness to not only undermine the US at every turn, as well as befriend all those who oppose us on any issue, but he is working to destablize South America.

I think we need to closely watch what is going on in Mexico (even though the PRI didn't win, nor the far left), Venezuela, and Argentina (that one is a hunch... I have a feeling that there is still an undercurrent of fascism that is now dormant). It should be interesting how it all plays out there.

Also, I remember a while back hearing a well-respected blogger who I follow daily state that we need to watch the situation in Somalia as well.

Scary, scary times.

More later!


At 5:50 AM, Blogger Mercurior said...


some info about the uk/irish troubles, scary reading.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Cousin Pat said...

This one has some length to it, I apologize for the bloviation:

As far as the internal struggles of Iran, I think we would know pretty forthwith, as Iran still has diplomatic relations with other parts of the world and it is difficult to cover up things when power players start dropping like flies. Plus, there is the diaspora of millions of westernized, professional Iranians with family in the home country and relatively open lines of communication.

As far as Latin America is concerned, there will be an undercurrent of fascism in every one of those nations (save maybe Brazil) for the forseeable future. Every single one of their democracies is anemic in some way, and are run more like feudal, corrupt states of old rather than moderate liberalized democracies. That's why foreign investment has been so long in coming to those nations: both the patronage system and old aristocrats fearing interference with their particular rice bowl slow things down at almost every level. (the American version of this would be Louisiana)

That's why Castro was able to come to power in the first place, as well as Chavez and Morales in Bolivia. Their systems of socialist-based oligarchy are the Only Other Option to the systems of capitalist-based oligarcy.

Also, all the anti-US rhetoric to come out of there is based more on US businesses and government 'support' for the capitalist-based oligarchs, and the ill will that creates when those oligarchs do nothing to invest in national infrastructure. Obscene consolidation of wealth and power tend to create seething masses of discontent among the have-nots. Trickle-down doesn't work if the folks with the 'water' won't even build a faucet.

None of these nations have the sheer volume of a vibrant middle class that moderates American politics, and that presents a problem.

But, Chavez does face significant political opposition in his own country - they just aren't very saavy and actually have to figure out a way to appeal to Chavez's base in a way that splits his vote even further. But every Chavezian move to embarass the United States plays with his base. Luckily, Chavez will govern himself out of power: either his socialist policies do work and enriches the public, swelling the middle class & making them more politically savvy thus encouraging more dissent against his policies - or his policies don't work, and his base tires of his empty rhetoric, allowing the opposition the chance to retake Venezuela.

Mexico, the France of the West, has suffered from American neglect for a long time. Hell, one of the 'leftist' candidate for President's main platforms was that illegal immigration to the US was a national embarassment to Mexico! From all accounts, he seemed to detest Chavez for his bluster, and was only painted as a Chavista by the 'conservative' President-elect. But Mexico is doing a lot of soul searching right now, trying to figure out what makes the US so good a business and what makes them so bad. Even if the 'conservative' wins, America will need to address Mexico's very real need for modernization and invest in the Mexican economy before it fails (again) and we have to bail them out (again).

At 11:58 PM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Mr. Armstrong:

Nice to hear from you again - as always! This isn't "The No Spin Zone," so please feel free to go ahead and bloviate all you'd like. :D

First off, interesting theory with regards to Iran. I guess I get the feeling that the Iranian is so oppressive, so good at cover-up and spin, that they would be able to keep it from the majority of the Iranian, its trading partners, etc. Ah well, maybe I'm being a bit too paranoid?

Anyway, I think that your analysis of Latin America is dead on. I've traveled in Mexico extensively during the time period of 2001-2004. I split my time between doing volunteer work with various Mexican charitable organizations through different Alternative Spring Break programs loosely affiliated with Michigan State University and participating in business study abroad programs in Mexico through MSU.

For example, the MBAs and older undergraduates that participated in the 2004 business study abroad program in Monterrey were exposed to a completely aspect of Mexican society than the volunteers who helped out in the orphanages and old-age homes in Merida in the Yucatan peninsula. The business students, in most cases, left without experiencing the vast other aspects of Mexican society. Those who have been left behind in the rush to "modernize." While you can experience this in a sense in the US, it is much more apparent in Mexico if you go off the beaten path. Thanks to a friend of mine, business students in Merida (another program I participated in), who happen to stay in the beautiful Hyatt in town (not to mention being shuttled to private classes, private English schools, and top notch clubs), now spend a day volunteering in the community as well. I was in the first class after he helped to impliment the program, and let's just say that I wish it had been more widely accepted than it was.

Anyway, it was the same in Ecuador - only worse! The point is this: that kind of class stratification is lost on most US citizens - unless they happen to truly spend some time in other countries.

I agree that Mexico is currently searching for its soul. I just hope that things get better for the Mexican people - and Latin America in general. I happen to know a lot about the development of Cancun - and probably know way too much with regards to the effect it has had on Mexican society. In essence, it is an environmental diseaster (not to mention the fact that it isn't having the best effect on relations between the US and Mexico). Let's just hope that Mexico and the rest of Latin America realizes that the type of development they've been engaging in - especially during the 80s - isn't sustainable. No matter how flawed our methods, they are still the best thing going right now. I just wish people would stop fighting over who is even more right than whom and just start working to make things better - actually IMPROVE things. Not progress for the sake of "progress."

Anyway, there is a great book regarding a lot of the subjects we've tackled here and more... I have to do a little research as the name escapes me (I read it 5 years ago!)...

Well, that is it for now! Thanks for letting me bloviate!

BTW - Do you have a blog? I'd love to read what you've written. I think DADvocate misrepresented you in his blog today. Let me know if you did indeed write it!




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