The First Day of School
Due to a relatively new law in Michigan (schools must start after Labor Day), tomorrow will be the first day of school for most students in Michigan (K-12). Quite frankly, I would be kidding myself if I didn't admit that I truly miss school, whether k-12 or college. It was always something to look forward to after a summer of fun, sun, swimming, relatives, and work. Growing up, our household had two very distinct seasons, the school year and the canoeing/camping season.
Most families with children divide their year into the school year and summer; not our family. My parents' campground and canoe livery brought much more work and responsibility to summer. Don't get me wrong, I adored growing up around the canoe livery. It meant seeing my paternal grandparents everyday, time on the river, lots of people everywhere, and learning useful skills. It also meant that I could spend time with my Mom shopping for supplies in Saginaw. Inevitably, we would run to the mall too. I loved having an opportunity to spend time alone with my Mom alone. It was relatively rare.
As much fun as summer always was, it also meant eight to ten weeks of hard work for my parents. Both were always eager for Labor Day weekend. I always looked forward to going back to school. Of course, I would be nervous too, but there was always much more excitement within me. During the weeks before school would start, I would have crazy dreams of the first day of school. It started right before I started 4th grade (I was changing elementary schools that year) and occurred faithfully every year until I graduated from high school. There is a deep part of me that would love to become a teacher, but I'm just not sure if it is meant to be.
Best of luck to all the students and teachers who are going back to school tomorrow. My Mom and sister will be going back as elementary school teachers, and my little brother will be entering his senior year of high school.
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