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Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Michy Hospitalized

There has been a lot going on in my life recently. The father of a family friend passed away (I didn't really know him, but I knew one of his daughters and her family well), I found out that two teachers from my childhood have cancer (one is terminal), and the son-in-law of dear family friends (my parent's neighbors, who are essentially like adopted grandparents to me) passed away too. Then, last night a couple of things happened. First, I found out that a house down the street was robbed close to a week ago. Not only that, but some neighbors saw four men trying to break into another house last night. It was a little disconcerting to say the least (our neighborhood is normally very quiet). After making sure that all the doors were locked (twice) and making myself something to eat (I couldn't sleep), I learned that one of my oldest and dearest online friends is in the hospital.

She is a wonderful writer and has inspired me more than she'll ever know. You can read all of what I've written about Michy here. She is doing well enough (at least at this point) to write from her hospital room. She's already blogged her first two days. I will be adding to this post as she continues to write about her ordeal. I encourage everyone to read her writing. It is funny, pertinent, witty, and informative. She is the most prolific writer I know.

Myspace.com Blogs - Michy @ the Hospital - Day One - Michelle L Devon (Michy)™ MySpace Blog

Myspace.com Blogs - Michy @ the Hospital - Day Two - Michelle L Devon (Michy)™ MySpace Blog

Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde


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At 8:59 PM, Blogger Michelle L. Devon said...

Hi sweetie!

Today has been a good day mostly... I'm truly feel better and there's not much pain anymore. I hope after the weekend, when I'm no longer on pain pills, I'll be able to chat with everyone since I'll be stuck in this bed with nothing else to do!

Thank you so much for writing this... you touched me!


Love and stuff,

At 9:23 PM, Blogger russelllindsey said...

Michy - I'm so glad that you are getting the help you need. Thanks for your kind words. Mine certainly came from the heart. I know that you are a very strong woman and will get through all of this.

It is all too easy to forget just how sick you are when just communicating online.

Best wishes and feel free to IM me when you are feeling up to it. I hope that you can actually get some rest in the hospital.



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