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Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Digital Photography's Role in Blogging...

An amazing article discussing the use of digital pictures in blogging!
We do have a revolution on our hands!

Check it out!


Digital photos break down barriers online

The Buttrick Cousins.... A Collage

As I was bored and unable to sleep whatsoever, I decided to post pictures of the younger Buttrick Cousins - led by my baby brother Garrett. Members of the younger generation not pictured - Austin Potter - the oldest member of Potterville.

Not sure if I should include Alex in the younger generation of cousins... She will be off to U of M this fall... I guess that puts her with Abby, Emily, Erica, and myself.

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Upper Left-Hand Corner - Mallory Ornatowski - The youngest Buttrick Cousin - with Santa during the Night-Before the Night-Before Christmas 2004 at my parents' home.

Aunt LaLa is her favorite! More later...

Upper Right-Hand Corner - Potterville - specifically Grant and Miss Mackenzie Lynn - entertaining Mal.

This is why Aunt Robin doesn't want to host the Night-Before the Night-Before!!!

Bottom Pictures - Mallory with her rents... Aunt Amy and Uncle Kevin!
We used to call her "Chicken Hawk" as a baby. This was due to the look she would give everyone.

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Mallory wasn't the only one to get on Santa's lap last Christmas!
Garrett was a good sport and participated too...

Anything goes during the NBNB...
I could post incriminating evidence against various guilty parties if I wanted too!
Did I mention VIDEO?

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Mallory with one of her Daddy's deer this past fall... My Uncle Kevin, like my Dad, is an avid hunter.

I guess that is it for now... I came across all of these old pictures during my furious cleaning this afternoon.


A Cute Couple!

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Brian and I were both 6 years old and in 1st grade when these pictures were taken...
We plan to incorporate these pictures into our wedding planning somehow...
Informal invitations maybe?

We love each other so much! It makes you wonder what would have happened if we had gone to school together...

Love, Lindsey

100 indecisions - Interesting Blog...

I apologize for not writing earlier today... Today, like the rest of my life right now, has been an complete mess. Although, I must admit, it felt great to get a lot of stuff on E-Bay, go through old pictures from Spain, Ecuador, Austin, Etc. It also hurt.

I am caught in a state of indecision. On one hand, there is travel, the life I life behind the day I graduated from MSU. On the other hand, there is the process of reclaiming the quiet, small-town life I had as a little girl. Both have their advantages, their attractions, both have their drawbacks as well.

After thinking all of this over today, I came to the realization that all of my personal relationships and connections far outwiegh my childlike desire to arbitrarily tramp across the universe. Why do I feel as though I need to travel extensively in order to discover who I am? All that I am going through and will have to go through in order to create a wonderful life with Brian will and has given me a whole new perspective on myself, my life. And I am grateful for that! And there is one other thing. Can't writing fill that deep-seated void I am currently experiencing?

I do believe it can.

I just need to move onward and upward. And hope to God that certain members of my family understand that this is what I have to do right now.

There is plenty of room for all experiences in life; I truly believe that is the case.

By the way, I had an extremely disturbing dream last night. I dreamed that I gave birth to twins in Lansing, Michigan - A boy and a girl. In this dream, Brian named them both without even consulting me; in addition, I was extremely scared as well due to the fact that neither Brian or I had jobs in the dream either.

It was a very disturbing dream. I do certainly want to have children someday - as soon as I am married and our married life is somewhat settled.

I suppose it is natural to truly question your life at a time like this, but all I end up with are more questions than answers. I know I have to follow my heart, I just wish that I could have my cake and eat it too!

More later...


100 indecisions

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Friday, June 17, 2005

The Daily Bulletin from Dating Hell

What an amazing blog! It is insane... I am just glad that I am out of that arena...


The Daily Bulletin from Dating Hell

Mmmm.... Chocolate!!!

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Need I say more??? I guess I have the mid-night munchies...

Tales of a Wandering Mind

Hmmm... This is getting scary... Brian and I are drawn to the same type of blogs...

This one is great and right on!

Tales of a Wandering Mind

lifeline - An Interesting Take on Marriage

The June 17th post is particularly interesting and, in opinion, true...
I only hope that I am making the right decision...



The Conservative Corral

Ok, Ok... I wasn't going to turn this blog political, but this one was too good to be true! Texas for ya! You'd think the political scene alone would be enough to make me stay...

Houston is just plain a little too mean! Give me AUSTIN anyday!


The Conservative Corral

An Update And A Few Pics...

Well, our engagement is back on and the craziest period of my life has begun.
Here are a few items that need to be known:

1. Brian is going to start his own computer consulting business in Bay City, Michigan.
2. Our relationship is stronger than ever.
3. I am excited to be moving back to Bay City and to begin working on our life
4. I hope my family understands the decisions I am making, especially my Mom.
5. We will be fine! Brian and I just need to have faith in ourselves!
6. I am more scared than I have ever been in my entire life!

That having been said, I feel as though an explanation of the last few days is in order. First off, I was beginning to question my relationship with Brian when he reassured me that he is behind me 100%. After a lot of tears and making up, our relationship is better than ever. That is when things began to get interesting...

Yesterday evening, Montgomery County, Texas experienced a severe power outage... This included our apartment complex... The power was out for 5 hours last night
(7PM - 12AM) in 90 degree (F) + heat. Brian and I ran out searching for some location that had power in order to get a bit to eat. We ended up at Taco Bell amongst a throng of Woodlanders looking for dinner. After Taco Bell, we ran back to our apartment in order to rescue Sparty (our adorable kitty) as had already been gone for two hours at least. After retrieving the cat, we hopped into the air conditioned car - off in search of adventure! Turns out that the power outage affected over 100,000 customers in 7 Texas counties!

Well, when we headed back around midnight, we had power - AND problems! The brownout proceeding the blackout blew the power supplies in both of our computers, destroyed our old VCR, etc. What a mess! Brian and I spent all day today trying to locate cheap, high performance power supplies. We finally ended up at Fry's... What an experience! We were there for close to two hours.

Anyway, I apologize for not posting over the last few days...
It has been hectic! I hope Brian and I have some good luck soon!


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Not sure if I mentioned this before, but my parents own a campground and canoe livery along the Rifle River in Omer, Michigan. I grew up canoeing and kayaking (kayaking is my favorite!) on the Rifle and miss it terribly... Omer will only be a half hour drive from Bay City! I am really looking forward to getting back to my roots...

Here is a pic of my little brother advertising one of my Dad's new rental products. I can't believe my parents are letting my brother grow his hair so long! He is truly turning into the moody teenager. I wonder who the lucky girl is??? Miss Chelsea perhaps? At 14, my brother already has a girlfriend (Chelsea)...

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I discovered this lovely picture on Webshots...
I would absolutely love to go to Alaska someday...
(Hint, Hint Brian!)

My Dad has been to Alaska several times on various hunting trips. I know he wants all of his children to see a place so near and dear to his heart... (not sure if Canada or Alaska is his preferred destination...)

Anyway, I've always wanted to go! I suppose you can blame my Dad...

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And Finally, Random Pic of the Day!

In my mind, this picture symbolizes all that is wrong with corporate America today...
After close to two years of experience, I have come to conclusion that the phrase "creativity at work" is an oxymoron with regards to traditional big business in the US.

If anyone disagrees, please let me know!

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Well, I suppose that is it for this evening... I really hope that things start looking up for the two of us... We could really use a bit of good news right now.

~ Lindsey

Monday, June 13, 2005

Living as Trinity - Yet Another Interesting Blog

Living as Trinity

Besides being written by a woman in London, it intriques me that she included one of my favorite sayings in the description of her journal "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

I am definitely living it right now. I really hate to say this, but it looks like the engagement is off.

While Brian is absolutely going to go back to Bay City, Michigan, I honestly can't see it right now. For better or for worse, my life is in the Woodlands right now. I have an immediate job opportunity here. There certainly is no guarantee back in Bay City. All I see is months and months of unemployment or working for minimum wage.

It is true that I miss my family an incredible amount. It is also true that I have always had great plans for my life. How do I want to put this?

I am willing to take risks, try new things in order to accomplish what I want to accomplish. Brian isn't. I must admit, I am incredibly crushed. I just don't know what else to do.

I haven't been myself in months. For once in my life, I see a future. I just wish Brian could see it as well. It could be his, if he would join me. I love him with all of my heart and soul. I just wish he could see it the way I see it.

I understand why he is incredibly upset and completely unsure of what to do. I have felt this way for months. Unfortunately, I have to stand my ground in order to save some shred of myself, my dreams.

Much, much more later.


Sunday, June 12, 2005

I Am That I Am

I Am That I Am

Another interesting blog...

Love, Love, Love

A powerful, insightful blog...

Wish there were more out there...

Love, Love, Love

Hmm... Not Sure About This One...

The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you.
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you.
You are not able to relate clearly to others. You tend to become lost in clouds of confusion when attempting a task.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.

My Inner Muse - Quite Intriguing

June 12, 2005

Your Inner Muse is Melpomene

You are most like this muse of tragedy.
While you aren't depressed, you don't shy away from sadness.
Although you do tend to be gloomy, you have a sensitive side.
And this sensitive side helps inspire and help others.

Favorite Texas Places...

A few of my favorite Texas places - Austin and San Antonio.
I lived in Austin for 6 months during the Summer/Fall of 2002.

I have a lot of great memories - Andy, Cheryl, and Karen - and some not so good memories - loneliness of living on my own in Texas and crashing my 1989 Pontiac Grand Prix out on Highway 290 (right by Applied Materials, my former employer).

Austin will alway remain a favorite, though it is the reason I am in The Woodlands now.

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This past fall Cheryl and I took a haunted walking of Austin (highly entertaining and recommended) - The Capitol (former kingdom of 43) was included!

The Alamo - Another favorite.

The family trip consisting of Erica, Justin, Brian, and I will always be a favorite.
The Alamo, in my opinion, stands for all that is great about the US.

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See, I am not all about trashing Texas! Quite the opposite - I will always consider myself an Honorary Texan.

But what can I say? I was born a Michigander! Just like Madonna!

(Madonna happened to be born in the same town as Brian and I - Bay City.
She stated that it was a stinky little town. According to my Mom, it stinks due to all of the sugarbeat processing plants in the area.)

More later!


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Just a little tribute to the power of the Great Lakes...
Just a note... I noticed the caption on this picture states that it was taken in November on Lake Michigan. Proof of the Witch of November!

November Witchin'

You Can ALWAYS Go Home Again!

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I came across this pic in the Michigan bucket of TrekEarth and really intrigued me.
Somehow, it just struck me as absolutely being from MICHIGAN, nowhere else on this planet.
It could have been any lone road that I traveled growing up. Heck, it could have been the road I grew up on in Standish/Sterling/Omer (more on that later...). I'd be lying if I didn't say that it make me really, really homesick.

After 5 years of studying at Michigan State, half of which was spent studying abroad or gaining work experience across the country (Minnesota and Texas), in addition of spending my first year in the "real" world living and working in the hell hole they call Houston, I am tired, broke, and ready to spend time with family.

They almost all live in Michigan - mid-Michigan to be precise - and my Mom's side is very close. Add to that my newly acquired family, Brian's (all in Bay City - Bay Shitty), and you have every reason to miss it!

Did I mention my baby brother? He is starting 9th grade this fall and is in every imaginable sport. He inherited all of the athletic ability I was supposed to inherit from our Dad. Garrett ended up with his fair share too! Who knows? He might even up a better high school athlete than our Dad! OUCH! No, my Dad would be proud!

I have already missed so much of Garrett's growing up, I want to be there for him while he is high school. Both Brian and I want to spend time with our Grandmothers, who we absolutely adore... I am really close with my Grandma Reid (Dad's Mom) and I worry about her a lot. The cool thing is, Brian and I have been able to dig a little into my Grandmother's life out here in Texas (Forth Worth to be exact) during WWII.

Everything we learned has only left me with more questions and I want to learn it from her - talk to her about Grandpa Russell and Eddy (both of whom died before I was born). In addition, I know Brian loves helping out his Grandmother. She prays every night that we return. Also, my Mom's parents aren't doing so well. My Grandpa Buttrick has had heart issues for a long time now and Grandma just found out that she has diabetes.

Anyway, I never thought that I would ever become so terribly homesick. I can only hope my parents can understand what is going on in my life and realize that I am doing my best to create the life I want to live. I crave the stability that I had in my childhood. Now being an "adult," I realize all that my parents went through creating that life for Erica, Garrett, and I. We were very lucky :-)

Not to mention, as I get into planning our wedding, it will be nice to be near where it will all take place, all of the people that will make it very special!

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The Mighty Mack! Hopefully Brian and I will get up to the UP (Upper Peninsula for all of you not from Michigan) sometime this fall. Brian is absolutely fascinated with the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald. It will have been exactly thirty years ago on November 10 of this year that she sank off of White Fish Point.

I have to admit, his curiosity and downright obsession rubbed off on me as well.

More later on the little Buttrick cousins...



A Few Inspiring Caribbean Views from Webshots... A Land Far, Far Away

I LOVE THE CARIBBEAN!!! Aruba, Cancun, the Caymans.... All beautiful, wonderful places!

I miss them... And the escape they offer...

A few pictoral reminders of my previous travels...

Oh, I miss Mexico, Spain, and Ecuador too...

Hmmm... I gave it up for true love! I don't regret it at all :)

Hope you enjoy my little pictoral vaca... I NEED IT BAD!

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Arbitrary and Capricious - Another Interesting Blog

I was amazed by the lastest and greatest entry in this blog!
Something else...

More later...


Arbitrary and Capricious

Friday, June 10, 2005

EXTRA SPECIAL: Findlay's 3-run homer in 10th wins U-M its first NCAA softball title

Unfortunately, the University of Michigan pulled it off!
It's first women's softball national championship.

I hate to admit it, but Michigan State University's program isn't there yet by a long shot...

Ironically, my cousin Alex would probably be able to play college softball if she had decided to go to MSU... Instead, she is breaking the family tradition and attending U of M.

All the best to her and all of the 2005 seniors!

~ Lindsey

EXTRA SPECIAL: Findlay's 3-run homer in 10th wins U-M its first NCAA softball title

Golden Retrievers...

This is the kind of dog I hope to have shortly!


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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Petty Place - Brian's Very Own Blog!

Check this out! Trust me, he means it when he says he is opinionated!


Petty Place

MSU Changes...

This is the proposed new The Spartan statue at Michigan State University...

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This is The Spartan as he currently stands.

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Sparty's namesake!


A Few Choice Sayings...

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Blog Maniac | Addicted And Loving It

Need I say more?

Blog Maniac | Addicted And Loving It

Hmmm.... - Scaring Up Paranormal Profits

After setting up Rojo in order to enjoy the best of the blogging world, I happened to stumble across this article in Business Week... Pretty interesting...

It is hard to imagine things such as a Haunted Walking Tour of Austin 10 years ago. Think there is now more acceptance of all things paranormal?

Interesting poll....

Scaring Up Paranormal Profits

Another Great Blog - Not A Writer

I happened to stumble across this aspiring writer.
I love it! The author mirrors my feelings towards writers...


Not A Writer

Monday, June 06, 2005

Frustration Beyond Frustration!!! ANY IDEAS?

What a day! Brian and I spent all day together looking for jobs in Michigan, as usual.
In addition, our air conditioning wasn't working in the 90 degree Texas heat. Luckily, Brian is handy and solved the issue in less than half and hour.

I just wish the job hunt was going as well...

Unfortunately, the economy in Michigan is not good. It has the third highest unemployment rate in the country currently. We are smart people! We just want an opportunity to make a decent living in our hometown - Bay City, Michigan. We have tons of support of our family and friends, three bachelors degrees between us (we graduated in May, 2004), and a lot of skills not necessarily documented in our resumes in addition to work experience. On top of that, I have a lot of international experience.

Of all of the resumes we have submitted on-line, all of the family and friends contacted, we have yet to come up with any solid leads. I just hope that something comes up soon. I know that our families are really looking forward to us coming home. We are impatient to begin our lives together. You can't do that in the United States without money.

Does anyone have any suggestions? We are really open to new ideas, etc.

I never thought that I would be in this position. Up until this last year (even while I was working), I never really had issues with money.

I apologize for ranting and raving; it is just that I am incredibly scared and am quickly losing faith in myself.

~ Lindsey

Sunday, June 05, 2005

My New Blog! - Writings of a Misguided Blonde

I've created a new blog specifically for writings, etc...
Should be fun!

Check it out...


Writings of a Misguided Blonde

Reminds Me A Little Too Much of My Past: A Dying Ensemble

I hate to admit it, but this guy struck a nerve with me.
I used to feel the way he did about going out, meeting people, etc.

It is quite ironic, really... It took having Brian in my life to get over it.
Now I am at the point that I really want to get out there and meet other people to at least get out and do things with occasionally.

Oh well...


A Dying Ensemble

Family and Friends - Emily and Jason's Wedding - 2001

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My mother and my little cousin Mackenzie Lynn on the day of Emily and Jason's wedding... Emily is the oldest Buttrick cousin... Mackenzie is among the second generation of Buttrick cousins. She absolutely adores my brother Garrett!

It is hard to believe that she will be 9 years old in October and Garrett will be 15 in February!

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Erica and Mackenzie.... Erica is another one of Mackenzie's favorites!

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend Emily and Jason's wedding due to the fact that I was studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador at the time...

Emily and Jason currently live in Bay City, Michigan.
Brian and I will get to spend more time with them once we move back...


Family and Friends - Garrett... The Ham of The Family...

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Hate to say it, but this picture is pretty much self-explanitory...
And it certainly hints at my baby brother's personality!

He definitely takes after our mother and is the ham of the family, in addition to being the leader of the second generation of Buttrick cousins (more on all of them later!).

Where would our family be without our baby?

Love Always,


Family and Friends - Erica and Justin...

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Taken at the Alamo in San Antonio the second weekend in March, Erica and "Wooly" (Justin) pose for a picture with "Davvy Crocket" after the reenactment of the battle of the Alamo.

Erica and Justin spent Spring Break 2005 (both attend MSU) with Brian and I.
They even started dating while they were staying with us!

Originally, Erica asked if she and a friend could come and crash with us for a week...

Here are a couple of addition pictures of Erica and Justin once they returned.

More Formal....

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And Texas Style!

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Here is another one of Erica in Downtown Houston up close and personal with a statue of 41!

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If I didn't know any better, I would say that my sister was a true Texan!

~ Lindsey

Family and Friends - My Sister Erica....

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Me and My Sister...

This picture was taken near the Rifle River near where we grew up.
We lived out in the country, so Erica and I grew up being each other's best friends...

In 1986 Erica was 2 and I was 5... We both have December birthdays!

Random Works of Art....

Image hosted by Photobucket.comDreaming...
Image hosted by Photobucket.comWishing...
Image hosted by Photobucket.comHoping...

More Sparty Pictures - And Brian Too!

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Brian and Sparty on their best behavior! What would I do without my guys?

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Sparty has recently taken to sleeping in the bathroom sink.
As you can see, he is about to declare war on a tube of toothpaste!
He certainly hasn't lost his animal instinct...


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Brian and I Agree on This One! Check It Out! - The Cat's Meow

What a rare occasion! Brian and I agreeing on something.... NOT!

Anyway, another cute blog... We will bore you with our random pics later!

Lindsey and Brian

The Cat's Meow

Another Interesting Blog: Life In The Great Midwest

I am going to have to look into this one more indepth later.
Thank God for the Midwest... I miss it!

Good old Chi Town and Detroit....

(ok, not really... I hate Detroit... But I love small town Michigan)



Life In The Great Midwest

My Digital Expressions Journal Link!

This on-line journal I created roughly a year ago is now up and running again... I will be adding new entries frequently.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback.



DE, an online diary community. Free web-based online diaries. - View Diary

Reality Check: akiane - her art, her poetry, her life

I just happened to stumble across this amazing website using the Firefox Stumble! extension I added to my browser.

It really made me sit back and take notice - if not for just a second.
This young girl is so incredibly talented. What might I have accomplished and created if the Internet had been around when I was a child?

The answer is: It doesn't really matter. I am 24, have my whole life ahead of me, and certainly now have the tools to be creative...

Anyway, enough of my ranting and raving... This is amazing site created by an amazing girl.

It is definitely worth checking out, if even for a second.
I am going to post an on-line diary I created soon.
It contains various websites I came across in addition to poetry I created while I lived in Spain for a semester.

More very soon.


akiane - her art, her poetry, her life

Hmmm... A VERY Good Idea: Wedding Details!

I love the idea of this blog! Instead of having everyone become sick and tired of hearing all of your wedding plans and detail, create a blog to document everything. She has some great ideas that may come in handy as Brian and I plan our wedding.

I am just very greatful that we have over two years to plan.
We want to be settled in Bay City and have a house before we tie the knot. We are going to marry on September 15, 2007!

It is much sooner than you would think...

All of the details!!!



Wedding Details!

One Not to Show Brian: Days of Blunder

I knew it!!! NASCAR is so prevalent throughout U.S. society that there is a blog dedicated exclusively to NASCAR news...

Brian is already enough of an internet junky; he doesn't need to see this! Just joking, of course...

Hmmm... Maybe I am the internet junky???

Days of Blunder

Another Interesting Blog: cocktail - the non-alcoholic type!!!

It appears that this guy is currently a student at MSU....

Found it an interesting approach to good old East Lansing....

cocktail - the non-alcoholic type!!!

My Thoughts on A Journal of Thoughts...

Hetta's posts really reflect what I am feeling with regards to creating my own blog.... Check out my in-depth comment! I hope it helped her....

I must admit, my energy has been completely zapped today... I don't feel like doing much besides playing around with FireFox.

More later...


A Journal of Thoughts

Mr. Sparticus....

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Here are the pictures of our mischievous, dare-devil of a kitty.

He was found at FMC Energy Systems in Houston, Texas during the last week of January 2005.
He was approximately 5 months old.

Originally, a co-worker was going to adopt him. Unfortunately, at the time she was living with roommates that would not tolerate cats. After asking around the office, no one would take him in. They were all "DOG" people.

While I am normally a dog person myself, I couldn't help but fall in love with this little guy. Although I must admit, he will be the only cat Brian and I ever have.

We named him Sparty after the Michigan State mascot. MSU is my alma mater and is somewhat of a tradition in my family. I have two older cousins who graduated from MSU and my younger sister Erica is still a student there.

Our next pets will be a Siberian Husky named Petty (after Kyle Petty) and a Golden Retriever named Junior (named after Dale Earnhardt Jr.). Did I ever mention that Brian has turned me into somewhat of a NASCAR fan? At first it seems out of character, but the more you learn about the sport and watch races, the more you admire the sheer guts of the drivers...

Much more later as always....


Friday, June 03, 2005


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I thought I might include a really cute picture of my fiance Brian... Many more pictures and posts to come. After discussing things today, it appears that we are going to go back to Michigan sooner rather than later.

Yeah! Maybe now we can get somewhere...

By the way, I am going to add pictures of Sparty later - my playful, willful kitten.



Thursday, June 02, 2005

Adventures on E-Bay

As a 24 year old just a year out of college, you would think that I would have discovered e-bay by now. NO. That would have been just a little too easy!

While I have occasionally browsed e-bay, today marks the first day that I ever put anything up for auction. It has been strange getting rid of things of past stages of my life... A couple of old cameras that traveled with me to Mexico, Ecuador, England, and Spain... Several different throw pillows (aftermath of an attempt to decorate my first apartment)... Bottomline - It has been strange!

Even more surreal is the fact that I am now looking for a new job... Or at least appearing to look for a new job while I quietly ponder several business ideas. I have always wanted to go into business for myself and now seems to be the perfect time. Quite honestly, I have absolutely no respect for corporate America. After obtaining a total of close to two years worth of work experience, I have yet to be inspired by anyone I have come across at any one of the three companies I have worked for since 2001. Quite simply, I have not been impressed.

All of this self-torture regarding trying to figure out exactly what I would like to do with the rest of my life has taken a toll. Add in a fiance who is experiencing the exact same thing, only on a deeper level, and you have sheer hell. Why don't adults tell you that adulthood is going to be this hard? You grow up following all of the rules and then, once you have done well in college and graduate with two bachelors degrees, it seems as though no one gives a damn. Quite honestly, it sometimes feels as though no one cares about our generation.

I suppose this is enough for tonight.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A New Beginning...

Currently I am looking forward to moving back to Bay City, Michigan after 5 years of running away from mid-Michigan. It will be wonderful to spend more time with my family, in addition to Brian's family (Brian is my fiance). Finally, I will be able to settle down and begin creating the life I always dreamed of as a little girl. I just hope that it all goes well and that I am making the right decision in marrying Brian.

While there is no doubt that we couldn't love each other more (trust me, it is disgusting just how much we love each other!), I often wonder if he still feels as though I am too ambitious for him.
I am just a bit too interested in anything and everything. That isn't a bad thing, right?

Anyway, I just wanted to create this blog in an attempt to make some sort of sense out of my crazy life. It couldn't be crazier than it is at this moment!

All the best -


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