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Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Little More Introspection...

Over the last few days, I've read some great materials regarding politics, the War on Terror (or as it is now being called, The Long War), Jihad, the increasing Muslim threat in the United Kingdom and mainland Europe, racism, and much more. It is deeply disconcerting to me that we in the United States don't pay more attention to what it is really going on in the wider world. We may be at War, but one would never know it. We are supposedly the great bastion of democracy in the world (and have been since World War II), yet now we have a large portion of our population actively working to hinder our efforts to defend our very existence.

Long-time readers will know how I've struggled with the direction of this blog. I don't want it to become overly political. There is a need for more art, literature, and music in the world right now. I enjoy all three immensely, and I enjoy sharing things I love with other readers. At the same time, I can't stand back, observe, and not share what I find concerning the most important political questions of our time.

In my opinion, we are rapidly sacrificing our Freedom of Speech on the alter of extreme Political Correctness. If you think that I'm being paranoid, you need to familiarize yourself with the plight of Lionheart in the United Kingdom. You can read much more about his plight here. RADARSITE does a great job of explaining the situation (read it here). The Midnight Sun takes it a bit further. You can read Aurora's take on things here and here. It simply amazes me that such things could be going on the United Kingdom, Canada, etc., even if only half of what is written is true (especially regarding the United Kingdom).

I think that it is best that people educate themselves on what is going on. It isn't pretty, it won't be easy, but I do have hope. I still hope that the U.S. will wake up and actually fight. If we are to once again be the hope of Europe, not to mention protect ourselves at home, we have to quit worrying about "offending" the enemy.


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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Things Are Becoming A Bit Clearer

The article below goes a long way in explaining what is currently taking place. Remember how I was a bit unsure of the whole reason behind the Free Mark Steyn! website? There is a quick explanation in the article.

This article goes a long way to explain why the Left is so eager to destroy America (hint: our enemies are using the very rhetoric of the Left against us, multiculturalism), how our enemies (Islamic extremists) are fast gaining ground in Europe (especially the UK), and why it is so imperative that we fight for freedom. This also explains why U.S. politics is in its current state, as well as why the Fitna movie is so important. Incidentally, both Michelle Malkin and Free Mark Steyn! have good information on the Fitna movie.

Wolf Howling: Another Islamic / UN Obscenity


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The articles below are exactly what I meant by the dangers of revising history and using it for political advantage. People keep trying to pretend that anti-Semitism can only be found on the fringes of world society. The articles below refute that idea well. I've never really talked about it here, but during my semester in Spain in 2002, I was surprised to see the ferocious anti-Semitism there. It wasn't just fringe groups in Madrid or Barcelona either. From all of the advertising and from what I witnessed on a daily basis, it appeared alive and well in the smaller town of Caceres. It turned my stomach and the stomachs of the other Michigan State students as well. At the time (2002), it was far from anything you'd find on a college campus in the United States. It is sad to think that six years could see such deterioration. I'm not sure if most U.S. college students would care anymore.


Simply Jews: The labor of hate - part I
Simply Jews: The labor of hate - part II
Simply Jews: The labor of hate - part III

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Misuse of Political Power of the Worst Kind

Talk about about questions that are simply too taboo to ask! I, for one, am very glad that someone finally had the guts to do so on a national media platform. I have to admit that NewsBusters is becoming a new favorite of mine. As I stated many times before, I'm a media junkie. I'm quite peeved at the hijacking of the Main Stream Media by the Angry Left over my lifetime. I am old enough to remember when there was at least some semblance of fairness in the national media. Over the last fifteen years or so, if not longer, that has completely gone by the wayside. Now even Nickelodeon is trying to sway the next generation in order to create new little Democrats. You can read about it here. If you take a minute to search Nickelodeon on Michelle Malkin's site, she has plenty of ammunition. The whole thing is truly breathtaking. I remember when Nick had actual fun programming for kids - "Finders Keepers," "Hey Dude," and "Rugrats."

What is most disconcerting to me is the revision of history. It's going on in the media, it is taking place in the classrooms, etc. We are coming dangerously close to repeating it. That doesn't even take into account that certain people are now trying to make a sticky situation even worse simply for political gain. If I ever needed more proof that those on the Far Left don't care about the United States or anyone but themselves, the article below is ample evidence in my book. It is sad that we are even asking this question (although I've had my suspicions for a long time due to the fact that Michigan has been facing economic hardship for far longer than the rest of the country; more on that later).

Fox News: “Media ‘Talking Down’ the Economy to Get a Dem Elected?” | NewsBusters.org


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Friday, March 28, 2008

The Eye of the Storm

The whole mess with Fitna proves that the west is caving into Islamofascism. As usual, Michelle Malkin does a great round-up. While I'm concerned about free speech here in the U.S., I'm even more concerned about Great Britain. You can read the latest below.

Michelle Malkin » Fitna follow-up: The usual suspects do the usual thing; Update: Fitna pulled from Liveleak; “This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net…”

Britain drawn into controversy over anti-Islam video by Geert Wilders - Times Online


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More Pictures of Sparty

Below are some new pictures of our cat Sparty. He is so cute and sweet that it is hard to get upset with him, even if he can be a little brat sometimes. Before we adopted him, I wasn't a cat person per se. He won our hearts for good.



Rachel Lucas Gets It Right

As a woman who is five foot even and has struggled her entire life with her weight, I can really identify with this article. I wish we could see more women like this in advertisements, in pageants, etc. I'm sick of seeing stick figures supposedly representing the ideal of female beauty.

This article even goes on to tackle the hypocrisy in the sizing of women's clothes. Nothing ever seems to fit right, and I have several different sizes in my closet that all fit. When can we finally get around to valuing women for their brains instead of their bodies? I know I won't see it in my lifetime, but one can hope. I'm sick of being treated as "ugly" because I'm short, fat, and not blonde (no, I'm no longer a blonde - shocked?). While I certainly come nowhere close to the societal ideal, I'm far from being truly ugly, and I see women every day who are twice as fat as I am. When I "thought" that I was fat four years ago, I was actually very average. I just didn't realize it. Instead, I took it out on my body and truly became fat. I really need to get serious about getting back to where I once was. Most men don't realize how hurtful comments on weight are.

A couple of weeks ago, my Mom made a comment on my weight. She felt so terrible about it that she was almost in tears when I called her back the next day. She essentially said that she should certainly know better. What was funny was the fact that her stating the obvious didn't even register. Other comments she made during that conversation stayed with me, but not that one. Yet, she worked herself into a frenzy over it. We really need to reevaluate our whole stigma attached to weight and height, not to mention female beauty. I'm sick of people acting as though short, fat people don't deserve respect. Do people really think that I chose to be short and fat? I don't think so. Yes, I can do something about my weight, but I can't do anything about my height.

Funny. Every time this subject comes up, I think of the Simpsons episode where Lisa becomes concerned about her weight. I laughed at the Saks Fifth Grade "trimming down the thighs, trimming down the thighs" bit, but it is way too close to the truth. That's what makes the Simpsons great.


Rachel Lucas » Blog Archive » Yep…a real porker.

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The Current State of the Music Industry

I have no love of the big record companies that are trying to suppress progress. A lot of real progress could have been made by now in the area of digital music distribution, etc. It is sad that a few key people in strategic positions in the remaining powerhouses of the music recording industry can hinder technological progress in an entire industry. If that wasn't enough, they are now trying to get customers to pay for it. Michelle Malkin's latest piece on the record industry is simply mind-boggling. The music industry is beginning to remind me of the oil industry. What saddens me the most is the fact that some real talent is getting overlooked these days. We might see another era of great music if digital platforms were fully embraced by the industry heavies.


Michelle Malkin » A “music tax” to bail out the dying record industry? Hell, no!
Pajamas Media » Blog Archive » Record Companies, RIP

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JamsBio is FINALLY Open to the Public!

As I've mentioned several times here, I've been not-so-patiently waiting for JamsBio to launch. While the official launch is Monday (just had this confirmed via e-mail), JamsBio is now open to the public!

Please take some time to check out my writing there. You can find it here. I'd love some feedback!


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Web Discovery Round-Up

I've discovered some great new websites lately (as usual), and I wanted to take a few minutes to share them with you. There is so much great web content out there, sometimes it is hard to keep up with it all.

BraveNet - This site isn't all that exciting unless you're really into building blogs and websites. However, if you are interested into just that, BraveNet has a lot to offer in the way of services, features, and more for both blog and website. You can get many of them for free too! What's not to like?

SteynOnline - I discovered SteynOnline thanks to Five Feet of Fury. Both are a rare breed, conservative Canadians. Steyn's website has so much fresh content every day that it isn't funny. A person could get lost for hours there.

Free Mark Steyn! - This website, as I understand it, was created due to all of the flack that Mark Steyn is receiving. It appears that free speech in being hampered in Canada and Mark Steyn is at the forefront of trying to set things right again. There is nothing like making yourself a target by telling the truth. People today don't seem to want to truth; they simply want regurgitated Politically Correct garbage forced feed to them by the dinosaur media. No matter how much people try to pretend that terrorism isn't a threat here in North America, it won't just go away. Let's call it what it is already.

Write from Home
- A unique source for those making a living as freelance writers. There is a lot of content to check out. One of the nice features is a whole section dedicated to professional magazines. There are very few that I've heard of in the past. Most, if not all, offer free online subscriptions.

Pet Finder - Brian came across this site, and it is a great way to find a new pet. Personally, I am a strong believer in adopting pets. If you are just looking, the pictures are adorable.

Conservative Grapevine - This is a great source for anyone wanting to learn more about the conservative viewpoint. While there isn't a lot of original content, the blog does manage to highlight some unique stories everyday. It is a great way to come up with unique sources.

People who know me personally or who have read much of my blog know just how much I love discovering new sites. Web surfing is a serious hobby of mine. I hope to share more interesting sites soon!


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A Powerful Letter to Senator Barack Obama

I make it a habit to check out Pajamas Media and Real Clear Politics on a daily basis. One can find real news there, not just what the Main Stream Media wants you to hear. Sometimes certain articles there hit a person right between the eyes. That was the case today. An Open Letter to Senator Obama by Lionel Chetwynd eloquently gets to the heart of what is lacking in Senator Obama's understanding and defense of Reverend Wright's hate speech. We'd all be better off if we had a better understanding of the issues raised in Mr. Chetwynd's letter. The comments on the letter are very much worth a read too.


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Update on Profile of a Writer Series

While there will be no "Profile of a Writer" this week, there will certainly be one on Monday. I was waiting for an e-mail from the author I'm going to profile. If all goes well, I will have an interview along with a profile of his work. I'm looking forward to the finished product!

Also, the launch of JamsBio should be on Tuesday. I can't wait to share that body of work with everyone. It was a lot of fun to write. I'm just frustrated that I can't share it just yet.


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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Little Introspection...

Introspection is badly needed on the blogosphere. All too often bloggers regurgitate stories that were previously thoroughly dissected by prominent bloggers such as Michelle Malkin. I am the first to admit that I'm horribly guilty of this. I feel the need to comment on a variety of prominent articles and make my views known. In that process, I forget that I need to delve a little deeper and discuss things that are on my mind.

My mind has been quite unsettled lately as I've been dealing with some fundamental issues in my life. For example, at age 27, I'm trying to determine what I want to do with the rest of it. That is a big question. As I've mentioned several times since the inception of this blog nearly three years ago, everything is in place in my life the way I would like with the exception of my career (incidentally I have a weight issue that I need to resolve too, but having confidence in a career would go a long to rectify that issue). Frankly, I have an educational background that doesn't mesh well with the current economic climate of where I want to spend the rest of my life. When I made my decisions concerning my career, I didn't plan on having the opportunity to move to Bay City, Michigan so soon. While I've wanted to live in Bay City since childhood, it was more of a long range plan.

So what did compel me to move back so soon? It is certainly my family and other personal relationships. Brian is from Bay City and his entire family is here. My Grandpa Buttrick was very sick at the time, and I couldn't stand the thought of him passing away while I lived so far away. The last two years of his life provided me with the opportunity to get to know him better (the silver lining of being unemployed during that time), and for that, I'll always be grateful. My Grandmas are still very much vibrant women whom I love dearly. I've had the opportunity to get to know them better during this time too.

Right now, I'm right back where I started from. I need to carve out a space for myself here. As I've become reacquainted with the area, my childhood friends, etc., it has become painfully clear to me that I need to work to find myself a niche here. I tried once and failed, but I still know that I'm needed somewhere in this community. Sometimes it just feels as though I'm up against insurmountable odds. I truly love and care about this community and the state of Michigan.

Am I crazy to face such hardship just to live in this area? Sometimes it feels like it, but then I spend a nice evening at home with Brian and Sparty or a nice day with my Grandmas. At those times, it all seems worth it. People and relationships are so much more important to me than money. I'm not out to make a lot of money; I simply want to take care of my own expenses.

You can read the article that inspired this introspection (by Bob Younce) here.


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Prediction of Things to Come?

One can only hope that the articles below are correct. If they both are, we might face a better future. Wouldn't that put a wrench into the plans of the Doom and Gloom Democrats? Folks, it is time we accentuated the positive and worked to mitigate the real issues we face.

Maybe it is time to have a real conversation on Global Warming (as opposed to silencing an entire half of the debate), and maybe we should look to the Australians on the issues of immigration and assimilation.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

West Awakes from Suicidal Slumber
Perhaps the Climate Change Models are Wrong

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Yet Another Apology

I'm not sure why I feel the need to apologize when I'm away from the keyboard for a day or two, but I do. Even though I blog for myself, I owe it to my readers to provide an explanation if I'm suddenly gone for a few days.

In this case, it wasn't just one thing, it was several. I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle a couple of delicate situations, I didn't receive the necessary information to do the in depth profile of a writer as I had hoped (I still want to do it this week), and I had to take care of some things around the house. Nothing exciting, just life in general.

From the time I was ten years old, I've wished for 48 hours in a day. There is so much that I want to do in life that I feel as though I never have enough time or money. It has always been that way, and it is really paralyzing me (actually, it has since I graduated in 2004). I need to make some decisions and have the gumption to follow through and actually put my whole heart into it.


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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Now on MLive!

I just found out this morning that my blog is included in the community blogs section for Bay City! I couldn't be more pleasantly surprised. You can find other Bay City blogs here.

I'll be posting much more this evening.


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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Five Feet of Fury

When I came across this blog the other day, my first thought was "Why didn't I think of that?" It is surprising how much the author and I have in common. We're both female conservative bloggers who happen to be on the shorter side. I simply laughed when I came across it. What were the odds? I even wrote her an e-mail; I hope that she writes back!

There is a lot to explore, and I've added several new blogs to the blog roll. Please check them out.

Five Feet of Fury

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

After Frida

For those who love Latin American art, and I mean really love Latin American art, After Frida by Arthur Lubow is a must-read. While I usually pretty much ignore the Main Stream Media (Gray Lady included), this piece really caught my eye.

Even though I don't wholly agree with Mari Carmen Ramirez, I do agree that Latin American art deserves more respect, that it needs to move beyond Diego and Frida (Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo), and that greater scholarship is needed in this area. The plans detailed in the article are exciting to say the least. There is a lot of great art coming from Latin America, and we in the United States haven't been exposed to it.

Unfortunately, I think the likes of Ms. Ramirez have an uphill battle against Frida and Diego. The story of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo has everything - political intrigue, sex, and tragedy. It is simply difficult to come up with more compelling artists, even if Frida's actual painting was mediocre at best.

My only regret with regards to this entire subject is that I didn't take the time to actually see the exhibit mentioned in the article (the Houston exhibit). I lived in Houston when it debuted during the summer of 2004. I can't wait for the online projects to become available though.


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Blogging While Female

This is a nice two-piece chronicle from Right Wing News. It discusses the hazards that are faced by prominent female conservative bloggers. These pieces will make you look at things differently if you aren't a conservative female blogger. I found a mention of the articles over at Michelle Malkin's noted blog. It all makes for a very good read. It is nice to know that conservative women have a voice somewhere.


Blogging While Female: 5 Conservative Women Bloggers Talk About Gender Issues And The Blogosphere

Blogging While Female 2: 5 Conservative Women Bloggers Talk About Gender Issues And The Blogosphere

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The Main Stream Media At It Again...

Below are a few pieces discussing a well-worn topic at my house - the increasingly left-wing Main Stream Media. Some have gone so far as to say that there are almost NO conservatives in the Main Stream Media.

What really gets me is that the Left loves to cite Fox News as completely Right Wing. Not so fast. They actually take the time to discuss BOTH sides of an issue. It is a seemingly novel idea to those in the Main Stream Media. Comments over at Dr. Helen indicate that there are at least some people who think that the Main Stream Media simply can't comprehend the opposing viewpoint. I hate to say it, but as someone who grew up and loved academics, I have to think that they have a point. It appears to be the same in academia. That said, I knew at least a couple of professors who are CLOSETED conservatives. If they feel the need to be closeted, doesn't that tell you something? Something to think about.


Dr. Helen - The Lone Libertarian
The Press Bias Brawl - 1 - SLATE
The Press Bias Brawl - 2 - SLATE
The Press Bias Brawl - 3 - SLATE

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Post Secret and Frida Kahlo

Credit Post Secret

I've been a fan of Post Secret for close to three years now, and there has been a lot of art that moved me over that time. I just had to save this one though. It is just cool. I would have just linked to the image, but it will be gone in a week.


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My Guest Book!

I mentioned in passing that I now have a guest book on my blog, and I thought that I'd take a moment to mention it again. I haven't had anyone sign it yet, and it looks a little lonely.

You can find the guest book here. I'm looking forward to reading your comments.



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Great Minds Think Alike

Yesterday one of my oldest online friends wrote an article discussing the same Anchoress post I did on March 20th. You can read DADvocate's post here. The original Anchoress post that sparked all of this discussion can be found here.

The whole thing reminds me that I need to bang my own gong (a reference to the Bob Younce article on The Writing Journey).

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Easter weekend. I haven't been feeling well, but I am getting better (finally).


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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Presidential - No Guts, No Glory

This is simply amazing. A certain someone is looking more Presidential these days than the President. McCain is looking far more Presidential than the other two on the other side.


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A Poignant Post on Race in the United States

The story told by the Anchoress in this particular post delves deeply into the complex issue of race in the United States. I wish that I could say that things were better. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. The link to the article is below. I wish everyone a peaceful Good Friday tomorrow and a great Easter weekend.


Obama, Psychic Duality, and the Churches - The Anchoress

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Blog Features

After talking to a friend, I found some great blog applications on BraveNet.com. They look professional, they are free, and there are a lot of applications to choose from at this point. I can't recommend them enough.

If you are a regular reader, I encourage you to sign up for the newsletter. As this blog grows, I will be sending out a few e-mails from time to time. Don't worry. You will not receive a lot of e-mail from me, and the e-mail list will remain completely private. I simply want a way to better connect with my readers. In addition, I created a guest book. Please sign it! Both applications appear below the clock.

Thanks in advance!


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Is This Finally Behind Us?


I just came across a very insightful post on this very subject. If you are a Beatles fan, it is quite funny.


Neo-Neocon Article

Long time blog readers know how much I love the Beatles, especially the work of Paul McCartney (with the Beatles, with Wings, and solo). I've been following his highly publicized divorce from Heather Mills in passing.

What really gets me with the whole thing is that it appears as though she has no respect for him at all - not at as a man, not as a Beatle, not as the living legend he is. As I stated, she comes across as not even having basic human respect for him. That can't be healthy for her or their daughter.

When they first became a public "couple" there were a lot of hardcore Beatles fans who hated her with a vengeance. I wasn't among them; I wanted their marriage to succeed. I really could care less about celebrities or celebrity culture; Paul McCartney is that exception for me. I've read so much about his marriage to Linda that I really felt as though they had a great relationship. It was terribly sad when she passed away. When he supposedly found love again with Heather, it was natural for me to hope for the best.

Anyway, Heather can't go away fast enough for my taste. She reminds me of a certain person in my extended family, and quite frankly, there appears to be no character there at all. Curly has a very funny post. I don't know what was going on with the comments, but it ended up making me look like a fool. I didn't have an opportunity to delete some of them. There was some kind of error going on. The graphic is priceless.


Heather Mills McCartney

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A Big Thank You!

Many of you may not have noticed that I have site meter on my blog, but I do. It allows me to "see" who visits and for how long. I've noticed lately that I have a few regulars now. I really appreciate it. It keeps me going as a writer to know that I have an audience, even if it is small at this point.

I'm looking to add a feature that will allow people to sign up as members or subscribe to receive the latest posts. Please feel free to chime in and let me know what your feelings are on the subject. I'd enjoy hearing from anyone who frequently visits the site. It isn't here just for me; that's one realization I've come to lately.


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Do We Go Too Far In Censoring Kids?

I read an interesting article on Michelle Malkin's blog today regarding Nickelodeon (you can find the article here). While I agree that there is a liberal bias overall, some of the comments on the article were a bit extreme. A lot of people stated that they wouldn't allow their children to watch the channel. Someone finally made the point that children need to understand the bias and why it is inherently wrong.

What it boils down to is this: Children need to have opportunities to explore various value systems and understand different points of view. I'm not a parent myself, but in my opinion, parents are more effective in passing down their value systems if children are given an opportunity to test the values of their parents. For me, that realization came through personal experience. I couldn't have imagined my parents' censoring the TV when I was a child. If there was way too much adult subject matter, they would normally just explain it. They were always clear on where they stood on things. Then again, we never had extremely explicit material in our home anyway. Today's kids are not going to know what to do with themselves when they are adults. They will have had all of their decisions made for them. Now that is sad.


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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Article Finally Published on American Chronicle

After a week of trying to get an article published on American Chronicle, I finally have it set up. You will find the article below. It already has 50 hits, and it has only been up for a couple of hours.


The Michigan Delegate Situation Gets Debated Again - American Chronicle

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The Voice of a Young Girl with Turner Syndrome

I happened across the blog and website of a 12 year-old girl with Turner Syndrome. It took me back to my childhood. There are some things that she has written that appear to be taken directly from my personal journals from that time (you know, what writers had before the Internet). It was really refreshing to be reminded of how far I've come, how much I've grown in 15 years. It is certainly to be expected, but when it hits you in the face, you have to sit back in wonder!

Anyway, she is quite a poised young lady for 12. You can find her links below. She has a promising future as a writer and web designer!

Colleen's Turner Syndrome Page
Colleen's Blog

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Profile of a Writer - Jeff Bevelheimer (aka The Bird)

Today it is my pleasure to present Mr. Jeff Bevelheimer (aka The Bird). He is another author prominent on the Accentuate Writer's Forum. You will note that he has several blogs, a growing collection of articles on Associated Content, and a well-written article on American Chronicle.

While he is just getting started, he has proven himself a quick learner, a good friend in Michy's growing writing community, and funny. His insight on daily life, his humor, and his humanity shine through in his writing. Personally, I'm expecting big things!

All of his writings come highly recommended. Unlike many authors, he is very approachable. It is very easy to conjure up a conversation with him. If you are an aspiring writer looking for pure motivation, look no further.

Associated Content - Jeff Bevelheimer (aka The Bird)

Jeff Bevelheimer Home Blog
The Bookshelf Review
Pictures from E-mails
American Chronicle - Jeff Bevelheimer

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What Exactly Constitutes a Disability?

Curly over at Curly's Corner Shop, the Blog! has yet another piece that really grabbed my attention. Those readers who have checked out my Turner Syndrome Forum know my thoughts on the abortion debate. Curly's latest blog entry, which is here, addressed the topic of abortion due to diagnosed disabilities in the womb. I've heard that some pregnant women, upon receiving the diagnosis of Turner Syndrome for their daughters, are reminded that they have the option to abort. On a personal level, it sickens me.

One can only hope that the world is spared the horrors of routine abortion of fetuses with disabilities. Humanity went down a similar road once not too long ago, and we do not need to go there again. This is exactly why history, the arts and humanities, and ethics are so vitally important to education.


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Updated Blog Roll

I just finished updating my blog roll. It is growing by leaps and bounds! I urge you to take some time to explore the links. There is a lot of interesting reads, great information, and just about anything you could possibly want. I'm a bit of an entertainment junkie, so there are a lot of fun links as well.



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Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Few Nice Things Going Off Auction TOMORROW

If you get a chance, please take a look at my E-Bay Store - Lindsey's Attic. I have a few things going off auction tomorrow.

Thus far, only one item has a bid. There are some awesome deals to be had! I have a huge inventory that will slowly be sold via E-Bay.



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Good News on the Economic Front for Michigan? FINALLY!

Nothing could have prepared me for a couple of articles I came across on MLive today (MLive is your source for everything Michigan). It appears that there are bright spots starting to appear in Michigan's (especially Mid-Michigan's) dismal economic climate. Not only was there more than one article, the good news was actually on the front page of the dinosaur media in my area, The Bay City Times. Just so you are well aware of how truly dinosaur the Bay City Times is, it doesn't have its own website. It is simply a part of MLive. I sincerely hope that this is just the beginning.

Standish, Pinconning already feeling good vibrations from Eagles Landing Casino

Last year, when it was announced that the Saganing Tribe would be building a casino in Standish, I simply couldn't believe it. I grew up in Standish, and there had been rumor of a casino for over ten years. In certain ways, it was a dream come true. This particular area of Michigan has been economically stagnant for nearly 40 years or more. It now appears that change is here to stay, for better or worse. I just hope that it rubs off on Bay City (30 miles to the south)!

Wanted in Michigan: Entrepreneurs

I hope that it is becoming apparent that Michigan as a whole needs to be a bit more friendly to businesses of all stripes. Right now, the business climate is absolutely poisonous. Are the people in Lansing and Detroit finally coming off of their high horses and realizing what steps need to be taken? One can only hope. I hope that I can be a part of the solution, the next generation of innovative Michigan business leaders.

Craft brewer has the right idea promoting Michigan

I try to get the word out about Michigan whenever I can, but it becomes increasingly difficult when there is so little to celebrate. We do have some absolutely breathtaking natural resources here. The sad part is that we take them for granted. We, as Michiganders, tend to keep to ourselves and forge ahead. It is time that we get into the self-promotion game in a very big way.

In so many ways I wish that my Grandpa Buttrick was still here with us right now. If he was alive and in good health (his health was precarious for close to seven years before his death last June), I can only imagine his excitement in helping to shape Northeast Michigan once again. He'd be full of advice for his struggling granddaughter who loves the state and area as much as he did. Thanks in large part to him, West Branch, Michigan is what it is today. It should be held up as a role model for Standish, Bay City, Saginaw, and Pinconning.

My Grandpa Buttrick was the kind of man who had funny sayings on the back of the card for his memorial service. I came across it today, and I found one saying particularly fitting:

"Never fight with a man who buys his ink by the barrel." (source unknown, attributed to Austin Buttrick)

I don't know if that was a saying that my Grandpa made up, or if it was simply a favorite of his. The analogy might not be the same today when you consider the Internet, but that doesn't matter much. The idea is still very much the same.


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What Exactly IS Going on in Great Britain?

All over the Blogosphere there have been cries that Great Britain is already lost to Islamofascism. Personally, I'm torn between thinking that incidents there are being blown out of proportion and sincerely worrying about the future of the United Kingdom.

However, there are times when you come across information that, if true, changes your perception and preconceived notions. Today is one of those days. I happened to come across a blogger from the United Kingdom named Curly. You can find his blog "Curly's Corner Shop, the Blog!" here. You can read more about him here. Quite frankly, from what I read, he is one of a dying breed, a right-of-center conservative in the United Kingdom. What attracted me to his blog, however, is the piece here that describes something that I'd expect to find if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama becomes President. It is truly something out of "1984" or the Third Reich. If it is true at all, it is a true call for reform on all levels. I don't understand how anyone could consider profiling using DNA a good idea, especially when it comes to children. Scary indeed.



Below is a video that I find appropriate for the subject at hand. Thanks for the tip DADvocate!


The original video was taken off of You Tube, for whatever reason. I found another that just may be more appropriate.

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A Brillant Discovery! Mr. Bob Younce

After a morning of talking with family and friends via the telephone and Internet, I made a very nice discovery. A fellow Mid-Michigan writer commented on my humble little blog. He hails from Linwood, Michigan, which rests between my hometown of Standish, Michigan and my current home, Bay City, Michigan.

You can find his writing website here and his blogger profile here. I always get excited when I discover someone from this area who is living my dream. There will be much more on him in the future. Those who live in larger cities may not appreciate this, but here in northern Michigan, it can sometimes be difficult to find others wishing to make an honest living online (or writing for that matter).


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Happy Early St. Patrick's Day!

Today saw the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Bay City, Michigan. I thought that I would just take a minute and wish everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow. Personally, I have Irish ancestry on both sides of my family.


Irish Eyes

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Si Se Puede

For those unfamiliar with the Spanish phrase "Si Se Puede," it translates roughly to "Yes We Can" in English. I've been going through a lot of turmoil in my life lately, as those who know me can attest, but this simple phrase inspires me. My Mom, who knows more about life than most women in their early 50s (her own Mom, my Grandma Buttrick, even stated that she couldn't believe how much insight my Mom has into life), recently reminded me of how much I've overcome in my life. It was a timely reminder and serves as inspiration.

On another note, those who regularly read my blog may get the impression that I agree with every tenant of the conservative cause. In many cases, that couldn't be further from the truth. You may be asking yourself "What does this have to with the phrase 'Si Se Puede'"? It has everything to do with that phrase. Personally, there are few more divisive political topics than illegal immigration. On one hand, I am the great-granddaughter of legal immigrants from the Ukraine. My Grandma Reid (Russell) is the daughter of immigrants who farmed in Standish, Michigan for most of their adult lives. They became naturalized citizens in 1945 (incidentally, they were naturalized in my current hometown, Bay City).

We have a long, proud tradition of immigration in the United States. We are all products of immigration in one form or another. That said, I don't see a workable solution to the issue of illegal Mexican immigration. I studied Latin American culture, the Spanish language, and business extensively throughout my college education; as a result, I traveled extensively in Mexico, Ecuador, Spain, and the Caribbean. Mexico is my first love as it was a trip to Cancun, Mexico as a child (just before it exploded into a veritable extension of the United States) that inspired me to study Spanish all throughout the rest of my formal education (junior high, high school, and then college).

I sympathize with the Mexican culture, I understand the culture better than most people who have no Hispanic heritage, and I understand the economic circumstances that led to the illegal immigration issue (Mexican and otherwise). It pains me to hear arguments on the side of greater enforcement of Federal laws that are already on the books that smack of isolationism and racism. There are some very valid reasons to address the illegal immigration issue immediately; however, they have nothing at all to do with racism and isolationism. In my opinion, enforcing the laws already there is the first logical step to resolving the illegal immigration issue fairly and equitably.

It hurts me to hear Mexico portrayed as a cesspool when there are beautiful aspects to Mexican culture and land. The Yucatan peninsula alone is worthy of praise. Mexico may have its share of issues, but they can and should be addressed without throwing out all that is good about Mexican culture.

Once again you may be asking "Why include this political statement in a post about the phrase 'Si Se Puede?'' It is time to address it directly. That particular phrase has been adopted by those who are supporting illegal immigration. Those seeking a solution to the illegal immigration problem deride it as an example of how Mexican immigrants won't assimilate into the culture of the United States as immigrants have in the past. Both are incorrect. It should be reserved for use as a phrase of hope - nothing more, nothing less.

During my semester in Quito, Ecuador in 2001, the Ecuadorean soccer team (futbol for those who know Spanish) went to the World Cup playoff series for the first time. It was the first time I had ever heard the phrase "Si Se Puede." In that phrase, you could almost feel the pride Ecuadoreans had in their soccer team. For the first time, they were in the international soccer spotlight. They may have lost in the first round, but that wasn't the point. It brought hope to a nation struggling to come together. Both sides of the illegal immigration debate need to come together to come up with a realistic, fair plan that protects the sovereignty of both the United States and Mexico.


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Saturday, March 15, 2008

How About Protesting Real Genocide Indeed

This article by Bridget Johnson asks some tough questions of those protesting the upcoming fifth anniversary of the Iraq War. It amazes me how truly backwards things appear to me right now. I only wish that I lived near one of the cities where large protests are planned (Washington, D.C., San Francisco, etc.). I would certainly be a part of the counter protest.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter to me whether people agree with why we are in Iraq. We need to ensure that the troops aren't treated with disrespect as they were during the Vietnam War. That appears to be exactly what is happening right now with all of the attacks and protests surrounding military recruiting centers. It truly disgusts me, and the fact that the mainstream media has been relatively silent on what's going on makes it a lot worse.

I remember the declaration of war in 2003 well. I was in Mexico at the time with Alternative Spring Break. There was a lot of crying, hand-holding, etc., and I felt completely alone. Judging from the meeting that we had once war had been declared, just about everyone there was liberal, and they were angry and upset that war had been declared. How was I supposed to react as a conservative? Sure I had misgivings about the war, but no one else would even listen to the reasons why we were there. As I did many times while I was in college, I remained silent. The image in my mind of that meeting, those circumstances in Merida, Mexico, will always stay with me. The intolerance, misunderstanding, and anger I experienced there was just a prelude of what would occur in the years to come.


UPDATE - For those who were wondering, the people I talked about in the above post were largely U.S. college students and educators. I can only imagine what our Mexican hosts at the hotel were thinking.

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Sometimes I feel as though I bring all of the drama on myself. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems and just about any obstacle can be overcome. I'm just frustrated. I do genuinely feel sidelined in both the economic and political sphere. I know that it is within my power to rectify the situation, but I don't even know where to begin. I can't force anyone to hire me, and quite frankly, there is not much hiring going on around here at all. It would be a completely different story if Brian and I were in a position to move. In fact, if we wanted to move to the other side of Michigan, my sister could get me a job right away. If Brian's career wasn't going well, I'd be pressuring him to move.

The thing is that I've been torn for nearly three years. If I stay, I have the love and support of my family, Brian's family, and Brian. The only issue that Brian and I face is my lack of employment, and as a result, financial stress. I should consider myself lucky, but it doesn't feel that way. I feel as though I'm holding us back, and I'm of service to no one. I suffered rejection as a child, but this is much worse. If I left, I would lose Brian, not see my family nearly as often, and I would have to start over completely. I could never leave Brian.

It kills me that Michigan is doing nothing to help people actually live here (i.e. jobs). This state has educated an entire generation of workers for the southwest at this point. The supposed leaders of this state claim that education is the key to securing Michigan's economic future. While I agree to an extent, it doesn't change the fact that there is nothing here for college graduates. We may have some of the best universities in the country, but we have limited (very limited) opportunities for college graduates - at least on the east side of the state.

The whole thing frustrates me to no end. I've been dealing with these issues for nearly three years. The only people who care are my family, Brian, and Brian's family. People in this area seem to have a general idea of what is going on, but no one is willing to do anything about it. If I had any kind of political power, I would be using it to help find a solution to this type of situation. I know for a fact that I'm not the only person going through this.


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Friday, March 14, 2008

This Just Makes Me Sick

You have to read this firsthand account of Michelle Malkin's experience. You can read it here. Also, as if that wasn't enough, you can read about the latest Obama scandal here. I find the Anchoress's assessment interesting, although I disagree. However, the reason I disagree probably has more to do with the difference between Protestants and Catholics rather than a true difference between my stance on issues and those of the Anchoress.

I'm seriously losing faith in just about everything at this point. I can understand the other side; however, I can't understand why the Angry Left has chosen to essentially curtail all discussion. If you think that I'm overreacting, try being a conservative college student these days. From what I've been reading, it is much worse than when I was an undergrad at MSU. There just seems to be no room for any opposing viewpoint anymore and that deeply disturbs me.

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My Big, Angry Rant

Today has not been a good day. Please just humor me while I get this off of my chest.

I'm tired.
I'm tired of worrying about my Grandmothers.
I'm tired of trying to prove my worth to potential employers.
I'm tired of the political mess that is currently the United States of America.
I'm tired of people feeling as though they are entitled to things.
I'm tired of people (especially one person in particular) comparing me to my little sister.
I'm tired of worrying about finances.
I'm tired of growing older.
I'm tired of working hard for absolutely nothing.
I'm tired of having nothing to show for my "career" at age 27.
I'm tired of struggling every day.
I'm tired of bad things of happening to great people and places (my neighbors and Michigan).
I'm tired of apathy.
I'm tired of worrying about what other people think.
I'm tired of feeling as though I have no monetary worth in Michigan's backwards economy.
I'm tired of having no energy.
I'm tired of always having to prove myself.
I'm tired of everyone wanting a piece of my future (i.e. money).
I'm tired of my country and my state being run by people who don't care and who do not have leadership skills.
I'm tired of people wondering when Brian and I will get married.
I'm tired.

Any questions?


Thursday, March 13, 2008

This Article Boggles the Mind

I stumbled across this particular article questioning whether or not Barack Obama is a naturalized citizen (thanks Brian). Honestly, I don't know what to make of it. I was always under the impression that if you were born on U.S. soil or to two U.S. citizens overseas, you are a naturalized citizen. The article in question suggests that to be a natural born citizen of the United States, you have to be born to two U.S. citizens.

What do you think? The article is here.


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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Old Man River

The Anchoress once again concisely sums up what is wrong with politics and society today. Read her piece on Old Man River. As far as I'm concerned, her views on the current state of race relations in this country is right on the mark.

We are so close and yet so far apart.


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Should Detroit's Mayor Resign?

Amongst all of the political infighting surrounding the resignation of New Jersey's governor, there are now renewed calls for the resignation of the mayor of Detroit. While he didn't exactly get caught up in a prostitution ring, he has a big enough scandal surrounding him to detract from the daily business he should be conducting. Detroit, and Michigan in general, have too many problems right now. We simply don't need the distractions right now.

Detroit Mayor Pressed to Resign


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Waiting... UPDATE

UPDATE - My neighbor at one point needed my help with her husband Carl. That is all it was, thank God. Also, she needed to vent a little bit. When I think that I'm going through a rough time, I think of her. Her son-in-law has only months to live and her husband might have to be on dialysis for the rest of his life.


While I know that I have a tendency to worry about everything too much, today I have reason to worry. I received a short voice mail from my childhood neighbor (family friend, childhood babysitter, and adopted Grandma). She wanted me to call her back right away. Well, I did, but no one was home (that is strange in and of itself).

Her husband Carl had a severe health scare this past fall, and quite frankly, their son-in-law is dying from cancer (there isn't much that even the University of Michigan can do at this point). There are three reasons I can think of as to why she would call me (I always have to call her and she hates being on the phone), and none of them are good. Waiting is awful.


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The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Below are a couple of very good tributes to the Edmund Fitzgerald. I came across them while I was writing from JamsBio. I included the lyrics as well. They tell the story so well. You can read more about the Edmund Fitzgerald here. You will be seeing more videos here as I didn't realize how easy it is to include them.

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee
The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead
When the skies of November turn gloomy.

With a load of iron ore - 26,000 tons more
Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty
That good ship and true was a bone to be chewed
When the gales of November came early

The ship was the pride of the American side
Coming back from some mill in Wisconson
As the big freighters go it was bigger than most
With a crew and the Captain well seasoned.

Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms
When they left fully loaded for Cleveland
And later that night when the ships bell rang
Could it be the North Wind they'd been feeling.

The wind in the wires made a tattletale sound
And a wave broke over the railing
And every man knew, as the Captain did, too,
T'was the witch of November come stealing.

The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait
When the gales of November came slashing
When afternoon came it was freezing rain
In the face of a hurricane West Wind

When supper time came the old cook came on deck
Saying fellows it's too rough to feed ya
At 7PM a main hatchway caved in
He said fellas it's been good to know ya.

The Captain wired in he had water coming in
And the good ship and crew was in peril
And later that night when his lights went out of sight
Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Does anyone know where the love of God goes
When the words turn the minutes to hours
The searchers all say they'd have made Whitefish Bay
If they'd fifteen more miles behind her.

They might have split up or they might have capsized
They may have broke deep and took water
And all that remains is the faces and the names
Of the wives and the sons and the daughters.

Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings
In the ruins of her ice water mansion
Old Michigan steams like a young man's dreams,
The islands and bays are for sportsmen.

And farther below Lake Ontario
Takes in what Lake Erie can send her
And the iron boats go as the mariners all know
With the gales of November remembered.

In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed
In the Maritime Sailors' Cathedral
The church bell chimed, 'til it rang 29 times
For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald.

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee
Superior, they say, never gives up her dead
When the gales of November come early.

© 1976 Moose Music, Inc.

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Getting It Right

Here is yet another insightful article over at The Anchoress. She highlights a heartfelt piece by David Mamet. It touches on a subject that I've long thought about, discussed, etc. It is a discussion of how the Democratic party no longer represents freedom of thought or freedom period. It pits classical liberals against today's Democratic party. The result isn't pretty.

Some time ago I wrote a piece on why I should be a Democrat (you can find it here). A comment I received from Darren over at Right on the Left Coast brought the point home. There is more diversity in today's Republican party, period. There is more diversity in thought, more discussion of core values, etc. In my opinion, the Democratic party has become a parody of itself. I just hope more people wake up soon. There are a lot of people being misled by both parties.


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My Apologies....

From time to time, it becomes necessary to explain what is going on behind the scenes. You may have noticed that my blogging has been very light as of late. There are a couple of reasons for that. First off, I've been working for a music website that will be launched to the public at the end of this month. I already have over 30 pieces written there. I've mentioned it here a few times, but I didn't realize at the time that those not registered with the private beta would not have the ability to see my profile - yet.

This website appears tailor made for me, and I hope to be compensated for it (we'll see if I actually get the check). However, compensation comes into play for only the first 30 entries. Thus, I will only be adding one new entry a day now. I enjoy the website enough to continue with it; however, it isn't worth my time spending hours a day there. As a result, I've come up with a happy medium.

In addition to getting things taken care of at JamsBio, I haven't felt well the last few days. I've felt lethargic, had severe headaches, and felt drained of energy. I'm not sure why, but I'm feeling better now. It hasn't helped that I've had a lot on my mind too. Everyone is growing up around me, and it is time to make some serious decisions with regards to my career. No matter what happens, I don't want to give up my writing.

Now that things are getting back to normal, the blog should be returning to normal as well. There are several posts that I've been planning.

Hope all is well!


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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Profile of a Writer - Phyllis Cunningham (aka Flip)

This week's Profile of a Writer highlights yet another writer I met on the Accentuate Writer's Forum. She's published several insightful online articles, and while I have not read any of her articles published in newspapers, I imagine that they are just as insightful.

She enjoys writing about issues she faces at home and in her personal life, tying it all together with humor. In fact, she likes to think of her work as in the same vein as Erma Bombeck. She is currently working on her first book. Already, Phyllis (better known as Flip) has compiled quite a collection of helpful articles that range from dealing with Macular Degeneration to ideas for Valentine's Day. In addition, she has a few short stories published on Author's Den (see below).

In addition to all of the articles and short stories that Flip has published online, she also maintains a blog entitled Flip's Water Garden Tips. It incorporates her love of writing and her love of gardening. In fact, she does not understand people who don't garden! Even if you don't garden, her blog is a great read, as is all of her work. It is fun, easy to read, insightful, and funny. She comes very highly recommended. Personally, I can't wait for a book, and I wish that I could read some of her newspaper articles.

Flip's Content Producer Page
Flip on Helium
Flip on Author's Den
Flip on Multiply
Flip's Water Garden Tips
Flip's MySpace

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Once Again!

I know that I highlighted my JamsBio a few days ago, but I've added a lot of material since then. I plan on regularly updating it as there are thousands of songs that I could add. It is addicting!

JamsBio.com - russelllindsey


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Weekday Update....

I've been out of sorts today, so regularly scheduled programming will resume tomorrow. I had a few unexpected things come up today. It was quite a weekend, but at least now I have the bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding ordered. As much I love my sister, I hate the process and can't wait to make her go through it too. My "Profile of a Writer" will be posted tomorrow. Things should be back on track tomorrow evening. Thanks for your patience.


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Someone Beat Me to It!

I had planned on interviewing Michy (you can find all of her links on the right side of the page) for Associated Content, but someone beat me to it. Of course, I only have myself to blame. I'm going to have to do something a little different. Anyway, it is a good read.

You can read my writer profile of Michy here.

Omigodomigodomigod! It's Michy! - Associated Content

More later, as always.


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Saturday, March 08, 2008

This Weekend

I'm heading to the other side of Michigan to visit my little sister. I'm be back Sunday afternoon sometime.



Friday, March 07, 2008

Too Cool for Words!

I was recently introduced to this website, and I can't say enough good things about it. In some ways, it was made for people who think like me. I'm always associating songs with memories. Music has been a big part of my life, even though I don't sing or play an instrument (I actually have no musical talent whatsoever). Anyway, I wanted to share this with everyone now that I have a few pieces listed on there. I'd love to receive some feedback.

Thanks in advance!


JamsBio.com - russelllindsey

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

How Many Countries Can You Name?


I found this test over at The Anchoress. She was embarrassed about her score (slightly lower than mine), and I'm ashamed of mine too. See how well you do.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Michigan Delegate Situation Gets Debated - Again

For those who haven't been watching the Presidential primaries closely, Michigan Democrats are still in a bit of a quandary. Last year, Michigan party officials on both sides decided to break Democratic and Republican party rules by holding primaries before Super Tuesday. While the intentions were good (They decided to move up the primary dates in order to draw national attention to the state of Michigan's economy, currently 50th in the nation), both Michigan political parties were rightly punished for their actions. However, while the Michigan Republican party made a decisive call on what to do with the primary results (The winner received half of Michigan's traditional Republican delegate count), no such decisive action was taken on the Democratic side. It is particularly complicated on the Democratic side as candidates were warned not to campaign in the state. While most Democratic candidates chose to have their names taken off of the ballot, Hillary Clinton did not. She felt she was in compliance by simply not campaigning in Michigan. This is where it becomes complicated.

As the Democratic party is considering various options with regards to this precarious situation, Michigan Democrats might be left without any representation whatsoever. Currently, there are three options. Option Number One: Let the primary results stand and give the delegates to Hillary Clinton. You can bet that Barack Obama won't allow this to happen uncontested. While I'm not an Obama supporter by any stretch of the imagination (He's actually the person I would support the least out of the three contenders; I'm somewhat frightened as to what would happen if Obama became President due to the fact that he is unproven), I certainly agree with not simply giving Hillary Clinton the Michigan delegates. Option Number Two: Hold a special primary in Michigan in order to determine who will get the Democratic delegates. While at first this appears to be a fair solution, it will cost the State of Michigan dearly. Our State government almost shut down this past fall due to budget difficulties (As more and more people leave Michigan in order to find work, the tax base is severely eroding). The last thing Michigan needs is to pay a large sum of desperately need money in order to simply hold a second primary. Option Number Three: Simply don't allow any Michigan delegates to be seated at the Democratic National Convention this summer in Denver, Colorado. Sadly, this leaves an important state (As much as the rest of the country likes to try and forget about us, we are important; we are currently educating large portions of the workforce of Arizona, Texas, California, and Florida) without any representation on the Democratic side. If I was Democrat, I would be incredibly angry.

Fortunately, I'm a Republican. I can stand back, observe, and comment on my observations. If it isn't clear that the Democratic party has severely damaged this state, that point should now be driven home for the Democrats. Until recently, many Democrats blamed Michigan's dead economy on George W. Bush. Maybe now they will take a second look at the Democratic leadership of this state, namely our Canadian Governor Jennifer Granholm (otherwise known as Two-Penny Jenny). No one seems to have a solution for Michigan's peculiar situation, and no one seems to care much. Supposedly Granholm has started to reach across the aisle to Republican state legislators. I just hope that it isn't too late.

As a Michigan native (for better or worse), it disheartens me to think that so many people have give up on this beautiful state. We were once known as the "arsenal of democracy" for our efforts during World War II (I'm proud to say that my Grandma was a riveter in Detroit during that time and later became a riveter in Fort Worth, Texas), but we've never been able to look past the automobile industry. I was born in 1980, and for as long as I can remember, there has been discussion on how to diversify Michigan's economy. Quite simply, it hasn't happened in over 25 years. During that time, education has been stressed as a way to move beyond the manufacturing jobs. Sadly, once those students graduate from our fine universities and colleges, there are no jobs for them. I'm a gleaming example of what happens when new college grads stubbornly want to create a life for themselves in Michigan. They become unemployed. Almost all of the people that I graduated with from Michigan State University were forced to move out of state in order to find work. In fact, I lived and worked in Houston, Texas for nearly a year before I decided to come back to Michigan.

Unfortunately, the more we push education here in Michigan, the more we'll see a new generation of Michiganders leave to contribute to the states of Texas, California, Arizona, and Florida. There has been a lot of talk on how to lure young people back. It is all about jobs. There is simply no reason to settle here without jobs (unless, like me, almost all of your family is here). I just don't see how this situation will be resolved any time soon, but something needs to get done. We desperately need leadership here in Michigan, and I just don't see anyone here to provide it.

For those of you living elsewhere, you may think that this situation is already old news (regarding the Democratic delegates), but rest assured, the delegate situation only speaks to much larger issues here. We lack leadership and an economic future. It has been local news for a very long time, it briefly became national news in January, and it is time that this economic issue becomes a permanent fixture on the national agenda until it is resolved.

Bloomberg.com: Worldwide


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Slideshow of a Few of My Favorite Things!

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My New Amazon Associates Store

You many have noticed the new bar at the top of my blog. I've long debated whether I would add Google Ad Sense to my blog; however, I came up with a better alternative, Amazon Associates. You can find the entire store at the bottom of the page. In keeping with this blog, I have added movies, music, and books. I will soon be creating a more full-fledged store on my main website, www.lindseyrussell.com.

Thus far, I'm happy with the option that the Amazon.com program provides. I have the option of creating 100 separate stores!

More later,


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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Venezuela Versus Colombia

I originally heard about this story yesterday, but at the time, I wasn't sure how I wanted to address it. For those who don't know, I spent a semester studying abroad in Ecuador, which is close to both Venezuela and Colombia. I really grew attached to my host family in Ecuador, but I have been unable to contact them since 2001. As the news of the mounting tensions between Colombia and Venezuela came out, Chavez (yes, THAT Chavez) stated that safeguards would be taken to ensure that Ecuador isn't affected. Let's just say that I trust Chavez about as much as I trust that tyrant who runs Iran (Ahmadinejad). I heard first hand what happened to Ecuador when it suffered an economic crisis in 1999. I sincerely wish Ecuador luck. Ecuador is a beautiful country that deserves better. The same could be said for much of Latin America. I have little hope that things will change for the better.

FOXNews.com - Venezuelan Troops Move to Colombian Border As Tensions Between Two Countries Mount - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News


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Updated Blog Roll

Earlier in the day, I completely redid my blog roll and the whole right side of my blog. It is now much better organized. It took a while, but this permanent change is for the better.



Anatomy of a Tragedy

Lately I've been thinking about a tragic death that occurred nearly two years ago. Once I explain what happened, I'll tell you why it has been on my mind as of late. Nearly two years ago, a young man passed away from a drug overdose. He wasn't even 25 years old. Sadly, it isn't an uncommon occurrence.

While I can't say that I ever considered him a friend, he was much more than just a simple acquaintance. We grew up together, and we had more in common that I ever realized. He was a year younger than me, and his sister was a year old than me. His parents were good friends with my aunt and uncle, as well as my parents.

His older sister and my older cousin were good friends once, and our three families took a few vacations together. It was during these vacations that I grew to know him as a boy who loved anything to do with racing (all types) and snowmobiles. We were both the type to kind of disappear into the backgrounds of these group vacations.

During school, we never really talked or spent time together, although I do remember him as someone who always felt that he had something to prove. You see, he was a very short man. Throughout high school, he was not much taller than me if at all. I'd be surprised if he was five foot five inches when finished growing. Both of his parents were short and as silly as it seems, whenever I felt sorry for myself for being so short (five foot even), I would think of him. No matter how bad short women may have it in our society, short men have it much worse.

I'm ashamed to say this, but after I graduated from high school, I really didn't think about him at all until I learned that he had passed away. While I have experienced my share of death over the last few years, nothing prepared me for this. I just kept asking myself "Why did this have to happen?" I couldn't even bring myself to go to the funeral.

Later, I saw his Mom at another funeral, and she just gave me a great big hug. Undoubtedly, she was thinking of better days when her children where still that - children. Close to a year after seeing her at the funeral, I saw both of his parents at my cousin's wedding. It was the first time I saw the family since the tragedy. While outwardly it may have appeared that they were having a good time, I couldn't help but wonder what was going through their minds. I couldn't help but think that they would never get to see their son marry or have children.

As of late, I've talked a lot about men and short stature on this site, but I have yet to discuss the two issues together. There is certainly a part of me that wonders if this young man turned to drugs, at least in part, due to a sense of inadequacy as a result of his stature. I learned from his obituary that he was pursuing three separate bachelors degrees. As a woman who obtained two, it isn't something that is done without having something to prove, even if you are just trying to prove something to yourself.

I'll be posting more on these issues soon as I've come across some additional information on growth hormone. It appears that growth hormone is a hot topic right now. It is becoming another example of why the federal government needs to quit sticking its nose everywhere.


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Monday, March 03, 2008

Profile of a Writer - The Barefoot

This week I'm profiling another Associated Content staple, the Barefoot. His writing is something that needs to be experienced first hand. He is clever without taking himself too seriously; he helps others succeed on Associated Content, yet he doesn't seem to take an avid interest in the writing of others. In other words, he defies all convention.

It appears to me that he works hard to keep it exactly that way. Personally, I can't say that I blame him. If you work hard to create your own personality, especially one similar to that of the Barefoot, it becomes hard for people to have certain expectations of you. If there are no expectations, a writer doesn't have to live up to them.

I highly recommend that you take the time to read some of his articles on Associated Content as well as his blog. It is all entertaining. You will soon learn why the Barefoot is a beloved member of the Associated Content community.

Barefoot Scribbles
theBarefoot's Content Producer Page - Associated Content


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Sunday, March 02, 2008

More Wierdness from Berkeley

Right on the Left Coast has been blogging up a storm today; it is definitely worth checking out. What really caught my attention was the article below. It doesn't surprise me as nothing concerning Berkeley surprises me anymore; however, it is noteworthy. I can't imagine parents and college students paying a fortune to go there. What kind of education are those college students getting? I can't imagine being a conservative woman there, but I digress.


Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher: Berkeley, Beacon of Freedom and Justice For ALL

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Before We Head Too Far Left...

Pajamas Media: Freedom's Ring Hard to Hear in Nanny State America

This particular piece by Pam Meister at Pajamas Media neatly summarizes why I feel Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama in particular, would be detrimental in the position of President of the United States. At least with Hillary Clinton, one would know what to expect. In either case, the election of either would be a set back for people like myself who do not want a Nanny government.

I don't want to be told by the government what I should eat, what type of car I should drive, or how to raise my children (I hope to adopt someday). Ms. Meister accurately states that while most people would tell you that they feel that way too, there must be some support of such policies. What saddens me most is the impression I get that the current generation isn't being raised (at home or at school) to think for themselves. Many times I get the uneasy feeling that I'm part of the last generation that was taught critical thinking skills and the value of sticking up for what you believe in, whatever that may be. In some cases, it appears that kids are being taught the liberal-Democratic viewpoint only, which is tantamount to indoctrination. I hope that I'm wrong.

I'm incredibly sick of the entire entitlement attitude. It reminds me of the princess complex some women have (all too many women really).


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Blog Catalog

I woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning! Someone reviewed my humble little blog on Blog Catalog. As of late, my blog has be getting a much greater response from readers. Readership has been growing too. I can't thank this reader enough for the kind words. You can find them here.

Sometimes when I come across a new community online, I feel like a kid in a candy store. Feel free to review my blog (good or bad) and join my community there.

Blog Directory, Blogs, Blog Sites // BlogCatalog


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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Men in the Classroom

This topic has really come to forefront as of late, and below are a few good discussions on the topic. I have to admit that I made my own faux pas today.

You see, in highlighting Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher, I mistakingly thought that the author was a woman. What bothers me is that I had no reason to believe this. Indeed, the name of the contributor, Darrell, was right in the left-hand corner. My only explanation is the societal expectation that most teachers are women.

Remember how I mentioned the teaching tradition in my family going back several generations? As you would expect, it mostly includes women; however, I have a few uncles and cousins who are in education. Also, my Dad was a substitute teacher at one time. However, the actual percentage of male versus female teachers in my family reflects the national trend. Actually, it is my Dad's experience as a substitute teacher back in the late 1980s and early 1990s that really brought home the issues broached in the articles below.

There is a lot more that I want to say on the subject as it relates how our society treats men theses days (I only scratched the surface here). If we aren't careful, the next generation of men will not be so highly educated, and that is a tragedy. Some of the best high school teachers I had growing up were men.

Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher: Men In The Classroom
Dr. Helen: Percentage of Male Teachers Hits 40-Year Low


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Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher

Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher

If you read my blog regularly, you can understand why I was drawn to this particular blog. The thing is that while the title might have lured me in, the content begged me to stay. He raises several issues that I've heard all too often from my Mom over the years. While my sister has been silent on such subjects thus far, I can only imagine that it is due to her being incredibly busy getting through her first year teaching and planning a wedding. That isn't even to mention the fact that she and her fiance moved into their new home just last fall.

I will be highlighting stories from this blog from time to time.


UPDATE - I incorrectly thought that the person who writes this particular blog was a woman. This is a major oversight of mine, and I apologize.

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