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Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

There is Nothing to Fear, but Fear Itself.

There is Nothing to Fear, but Fear Itself.

A sensible blog! By the way, the title of the blog happens to be my favorite quote.

More later...


Saturday, April 29, 2006

GeekGirl Unveiled

GeekGirl Unveiled

Simply a beautiful mostly-photo blog... It really makes me want to get out the camera. I'd love to learn more regarding photography. Honestly, I'm not sure what is stopping me. I need to do two simple things : get own my own wonderful digital camera and put together a wish-list of items I'd need for a proper camera, flashes, etc.

The writer of A Blog for All created a great wish-list for the very same reason. As you might have guessed, I keep a VERY close eye on this blog.

More later.


Mark in Mexico: Mexican National Anthem

Mark in Mexico: Mexican National Anthem

WOW. I suppose by now you've all heard that Mexican immigrants have translated our National Anthem into Spanish (as student of Latin American culture, especially regarding Mexico, I find this incredibly interesting). Well, I ran across a blog that translates the Mexican National Anthem into English. The writer also gives a quick Mexican history lesson, which is a little too close to the truth.

I love Mexico and wish the people no harm, but WAKE UP! I don't understand how the Mexican people can continue to allow themselves to be victimized by their own government. Anyway, just my little rant.

If you have any interest in the history being made as we speak, check it out!

"Remember the Alamo!"


PS - Just a quick shoutout to A Blog For All who points out this entry in his piece entitled "It's Fun Being An Illegal Alien." It in itself is a worthy read.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Backbone Flute and Other Violent Nonsense

The Backbone Flute and Other Violent Nonsense

A great photo blog! Very vintage - and some are a little depressing. Overall, they make you stop and think.

More later.


Graffiti Dreams

Graffiti Dreams

Intense, intense blog. Read the heading. It certainly gives you a clue as to what you're in for if you venture further.

A must-read.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

This is a test, Only a test!

Think you know me? Not a chance! Play the game!

Ha, ha!


Lindsey Quiz

Web Hosting by iPowerWeb

Web Hosting by iPowerWeb

Another great web-hosting service. Julie and I are using it on our new TS website (just wait until this is DONE! You ain't seen nothing yet!!!) and she is using it for her personal website (which I linked earlier).

It was fate that we met on-line :D

We are certainly two peas in a pod.

More later...


just a hint of rambling

just a hint of rambling

My friend Julie just set up her own website!
It is going to be good!

More later.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Best Moms' Worst Days

Best Moms' Worst Days

Crazy stories from the trenches!


Multitasking Mama

Multitasking Mama

Wow. This woman is EXACTLY where I'd like to be in a few years. She has two kids (both very young), is a stay at home Mom, and she has an E-Bay store.

I've asked for advice! I hope that she answers...


Tom McLaughlin

Tom McLaughlin

Yet another incredibly insightful blog. I particularly like his description of his class's reaction to watching the French Youth Riots on Fox News. What amazing time to be alive! Scary, but amazing all the same.


My Take On The New Book "To Hell With All That"

Mommy Wars
Slate Article

I came across this article and video today, both discussing the book "To Hell With All That." From what I gather, it appears to sum up the enormous pressure women my age face with regards to family versus career. Personally, I somehow want both. I'm just unsure how feasible it is.

Serious choices have to be made. Unlike the message ardant liberal feminists spread, there are serious consequences to both choices. No Virginia, you can't have it all! - At once....


PS -

Let's face it, when making this type of decision, some people will be angry. Why don't men face the same scrutiny? Or do they face it in a different, more subtile way?

Mitt Romney's clumsy Mormon shtick. By Adam Reilly

Mitt Romney's clumsy Mormon shtick. By Adam Reilly

An interesting Slate article regarding an up and coming player in the Republican Party. Quite honestly, I don' t mind him at all. In fact, I have a second cousin working for him as a staffer.

However, I would also most certainly support Condi Rice, Rudy Gulliani, or Senator John McCain. Heck, I'd support just about anyone except Hillary or John Kerry. While I'd love to see our first woman President, Clinton leaves an incredibly bad taste in my mouth. While she appears moderate now, I have a sneaky suspicion that she will show her true colors as soon as she is in office. And Bill as the First Gentleman? Can we say Monica Gate II?

More later...


The First Gentleman

The First Gentleman

Interesting, interesting blog. Weird. She discusses Princess Diana, Eva Peron, and Jackie Kennedy. I was kinda obsessed with the last two in high school as well. Anyway, a great read with regards to women and power.


Surely Smoking Something

Surely Smoking Something

After the last two heavy entries, I had to include this one. I could use a laugh right about now.


J O S H U A P U N D I T: Time to do the mullah dance

J O S H U A P U N D I T: Time to do the mullah dance

Another great entry regarding what is going on with Iran. Anyone who thinks that diplomacy will ultimately work should read this - NOW (I truly wish that it WOULD work, but...).

By the way, I was mistaken. This was the article that I commented on a day or so ago.

More later.


PS - Check out the blog in general.


J O S H U A P U N D I T: Iran's Khameini threatens US..again

J O S H U A P U N D I T: Iran's Khameini threatens US..again

I mentioned this article briefly in my last post (I was mistaken in thinking that I had already posted this - in reality, I commented on the entry). It gives me the absolute CREEPS people.

As much as I want the US to be at peace - and return to the 1990s - we all NEED to wake up! NOW! Honestly, I hope to hell that we avoid war with Iran. In reality, I don't know if we are going to have any say in the matter (my prediction: Bush will be cornered between a rock and a hard place - and we will eventually have to use force).

Doesn't it just make you long for the time when we just shut our eyes to what is going on around us?


Brain Droppings

Brain Droppings

WOW - Yet another great blog. I can't tell if this guy is very much a Republican or not. But that is a good thing! I am extremely tired of hard-core political beliefs on both sides of the aisle (but I have NO qualms in stating that I am Conservative and a Republican - even if I don't support EVERYTHING that has been coming up as of late).

In my humble opinion, all of this hard-lined, political infighting is destroying our nation. Read some of the articles I pointed out yesterday regarding Iran - and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway. When it rains, it pours with regards to discovering great blogs :D


Job Pundit

Job Pundit

Amazingly insightful blog on the job search. I hate to say it, but their description of job satisfaction is dead on. In my opinion, employers simply need to ensure that their lower-level workers are utilized to their full potential. After nearly 2 years of corporate experience, I have to say that I've yet to find a position that is even remotely intellectually stimulating. I have had lots of thoughts and ideas on how to make things run more smoothly, and have even tried to take them to upper management. They have always fallen upon deaf ears. In my last position, my "audacity" to make my opinion known probably cost me my job.

More later.


Grouch on the Couch

Grouch on the Couch

I'm sorry, but this is just too funny! I can't wait to read some of his entries.

More later.


Busy Nothings

Busy Nothings

Talk about a kindered spirit! This girl DEFINITELY knows what she is talking about with regards to the internet being a shy-person's playground - especially blogging.

Yet again, I get the feeling that the world would be a much better place if bloggers were put in charge of the world.

More later...


jewelzguy: Tears....memories....maybe a book....

jewelzguy: Tears....memories....maybe a book....

This is one of the most intriguing things that my fiance has ever written. He pointed it out to me again today. While he doesn't write often, when he does, it is with a sincere sense of purpose.

More later.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Blog the Left Loves to Hate: Come on, Mr. President!

The Blog the Left Loves to Hate: Come on, Mr. President!

Another blog that is right on the money! Well, I hate to admit this, but I tend to agree with the contributor on this one. My patience with Bush are growing very thin.

However, I still blame Govenor Jennifer Granholm for the sorry state of Michigan's economy. Something needs to happen with regards to job growth, or I'm afraid that I'm going to have an even harder time getting a career going.

More later.


THE BEATLES lyrics - In My Life

THE BEATLES lyrics - In My Life


There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

In my life I love you more


Quite possibly my favorite Beatles song... Or one of ten :D
More later...


Monday, April 24, 2006



I simply can't say enough about this blog. A truly amazing look into a world we all too often ignore or glance over.

Extremely powerful.

More later.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Yok Chronicles

Yok Chronicles

Another sensitive, insightful blog. Somehow, blogs like these give me hope with regards to humanity. After what happened to me last year conerning my position with FMC Energy Systems and my former boss, it has been hard to come by.

I am just now truly beginning to see the light at the end of that long, dark, lonely tunnel. Let's just hope that I'll have a new position SOON.

More later.


Exercising to Lose Weight? Big Problem

Exercising to Lose Weight? Big Problem

Does this finding really come as a surprise to anyone?

Recently, I've very much come aware of the fact that I need to concentrate on being healthier, and not worry so much about losing weight. In other words, if I become healthier, weight-loss may or may not be a result. I need to be ready for that!

I'm not your cookie-cutter woman by any means, so why should I start now? Why should I care?

More later...


THE BEATLES lyrics - I'll Follow The Sun

THE BEATLES lyrics - I'll Follow The Sun:


One day you'll look to see I've gone
For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun
Some day you'll know I was the one
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
And so my love I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know, oooh

One day you'll find that I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Yea, tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun
And now the time has come
And so my love I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you'll know, oooh

One day you'll find that I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Still one of my favorites after all of these years...


First Person

First Person

The Witchy Wolves of the Omer Plains. A legend I grew up with as I am from Omer. Honestly, my parents' home butts up against the Omer Plains.

More later...


The 4th Avenue Blues

The 4th Avenue Blues

An amazing collection of short stories! I am surprised it has taken me so long to locate this gem...

More later.


The Ben Foster Show: For the preservation of our society

The Ben Foster Show: For the preservation of our society

This particular blog entry discusses the Sunscreen Song, which was huge during my Senior Year of high school (I graduated in 1999).

The words are still true today.

More later.


Friday, April 21, 2006

My Favorite Color!

You Are Ruby Red

You are warm and inviting - yet a little wild and outrageous.
Well aware that you have a dual personality, you work it as much as you can!
You like for people to be comfortable around you, but not at the expense of you stealing the limelight.
Popular and well known, you make friends easily. You have your big personality to thank for that.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

my life in polaroid

my life in polaroid

Interesting concept... VERY interesting concept.

Maybe I could get some film for the old Polaroid my Grandma gave Brian and I to sell on E-Bay? A nice thought anyway...

More later.


New Website!

I finally have a place to call my own - www.lindseyrussell.net!
While it is far from complete, I already have a lot of content up and running. So far, so good.

I really could use a lot of constructive criticism as I'd really like to have a nice, polished site in the end.

I apologize for neglecting the blogosphere lately, but I will be back at it shortly.

Thanks in advance!

Lindsey J. Russell

PS - I'm using Pro Net Hosting - so far, so good. Currently, I'm using the Basic Dollar plan, but will upgrade if need be.

Interesting, Don't You Think?

You Are Midnight

You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.
Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.
Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.
You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Shroud of Thoughts

A Shroud of Thoughts

Yet another interesting view point on just about everything.

More later.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Random Journey & Passions

My Random Journey & Passions

A very insightful blog. I am continually amazed at how many intelligent, well-written blogs there are out there. However, you have to go through a lot of garbage to get to the gems.

More later...


Hard Blog Life

Hard Blog Life

Amazing, amazing website! It appears as though the site is written by a bunch of college students.

Here are a couple of entries that make you think:

Bush and Illegal Music
Pope and Illegal Music

Quick thanks to Brian for introducing me to this site and pointing out the articles.

More later...


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Faith in His Deliverance

The look of this blog is simply amazing! Oh yeah, and the writing isn't bad either. I especially like her discussion of people's tendency to out do each other with regards to education. As a student at MSU who took her studies seriously and was a member of the Honors College, I saw this attitude all of the time. Quite honestly, it stinks and is a big reason I'm debating whether or not I want to further my education.

More and more, I want to do something different - things that people wouldn't expect from me. Right now, I really want to concentrate on creating a wonderful life with Brian. Oh yeah, and get my career back on track. Well, I feel as though both items are going forward. I'm still hoping to get a position with Case. This next week I'm really going to work hard to dig up new, similar leads. It is complete and utter bull**** that I can't find something challenging in Bay City with my work history and education.

I suppose that is about it. I'm working hard on cleaning up our yard for Spring, creating my website, and getting E-Bay to a point where it is an organized, well-oiled machine.

More later...


Faith in His Deliverance

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bits of Whimsy..........

Bits of Whimsy..........

Visually interesting blog. And the poetry is pretty good too ;-D

Much more later.


Top 10 Web Hosting Services

Top Ten Web Hosting Services

This amazing service helped me come to the conclusion that I need to use Blue Host for my new website. I apologize for not putting as much time and effort into all of my other endeavors lately.

As J can attest, I've been working very hard on my new website! It is oh so very exciting! I don't remember the last time I was so psyched about completing a project... I just start actually building it today and I have just about 3 pages done.

Hats off to Fire Fox team once again! NVU is basically the web-authoring piece that goes with what is now the Mozilla suite (it all used to be bundled together). It is as easy to use as Fire Fox and is completely free. Also, it doesn't even matter what OS you use! Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux!

Incredibly exciting stuff happening people!

More later...


Danny Dinges: A blog in progress, but on another note ...

Danny Dinges: A blog in progress, but on another note ...

This guy is dead on about Web 2.0. It is simply amazing to sit back and ponder how far the web has come in the last decade.

More later...




Well, a conversation with J earlier inspired me to take a look at web hosting services. The idea is this: I need a cohesive cover page for all that I've been working on lately. It is just too disjointed right now. It just needs a cover page!

Well, I realized that I still have access to my MSU accounts for a few more months (hopefully until August - I'll have to call). It used to be that you could purchase the same services once your two years beyond graduation were up. Not anymore. They don't allow anyone outside the university to purchase anything anymore. It all has to be done using university accounts. Oh well.

That got me looking into webhosting services. So far, Bluehost.com seems to be the best.

Any thoughts? Insight?

More later...


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Few Good Blogging Utilities

Putfile - Upload Video and Upload Images
Single File Content-Type.com free file hosting
Plurn BETA.

Just a few good blogging items I've come across!
Pretty great, mind-blowing stuff.

One a side note, I've added my resume right below my profile. I'd love some great feedback! Coming soon: A general cover letter (same idea - constructive criticism please!) and a playlist of some of my favorite music!

More later.


Music, Music, and More Music!

96 WHNN - Home

Simply the best oldies station in Mid-Michigan - PERIOD. I've been listening to WHNN for as long as I can remember. Thank Mom!

Now that they're on-line, you can listen anywhere, anytime! Very easy to use and it links to a national network of all types of stations.

(((88.9 the impact)))

The home of Michigan State University's award-winning student-run station. Always on the bleeding edge! If you want something even more gritty, check out the WFIX link (The Fix!)... I was even a fledgling DJ there a couple of years ago (last semester of my senior year). Tons and tons of fun!

KOOP - Radio de la Comunidad - Community Radio - Austin, TX

Ah, yes. The hub of my life back in Austin, Texas (long, long story). Anyway, another cutting edge station. My old friend Andy Dickens is still hosting ATX Live! I have Andy to thank for my months of fun in Austin (especially meeting Cheryl and getting me interested in radio). This station has done a lot of great work! Oh, how I wish Bay City had a great live music scene (it is getting better...)!

Find Music You'll Love - Pandora

One of the most innovative websites I've ever come across! Build the radio station to suite you!
Anything from the Beatles to Outkast to Toby Keith... Anything you want.

Well, that is my wrap of my favorite music/radio pics. What a trip down memory lane...

More later.


Monday, April 10, 2006

Spyral Notebook

Spyral Notebook

A blog I need to delve into more thoroughly. Well-written and insightful thus far.

More later!


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Steve Vaught walks across America to lose weight and regain his life

Steve Vaught walks across America to lose weight and regain his life

Quite an amazing story that has gotten a lot of press lately.
More on this later as I need some sleep!

More later.


Friday, April 07, 2006


Image hosting by Photobucket

Amazing, amazing movie. Certainly one of my favorites, if not my favorite! It also holds a lot of meaning for me personally. Ah yes, the good ole college days.

More later.


PS - I'd give anything to look like Ingrid Bergman in this movie... Sigh... I was born at the wrong time. 40s or 60s would have been good :-D

Mexican Chick Online

Mexican Chick Online

I found myself really relating to this girl. Some of her entries echo mine of 3 years ago. Pretty amazing stuff!

More later.


Beliefnet.com -- Today's Inspiration Reading

Beliefnet.com -- Today's Inspiration Reading

An amazing story of survival and starting completely over from a survivor of hurricane Katrina.

Powerful, incredibly powerful.

More later...


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Conservative Thinking

Conservative Thinking

A wonderful website! I especially like the Reading Room... While I don't agree with every viewpoint, there is a lot here for someone who is conservative at heart.

More later...


Madonna set to rough it in the California desert - Yahoo! News UK

Madonna set to rough it in the California desert - Yahoo! News UK

Last post for the night, promise! Anyway, Madonna still rocks!
This festival as described in the article sounds a lot like the first year of the ACL Festival (Austin City Limits). I went with Andy and Cheryl and had the time of my life! Austin Rocks!

Keep Austin Weird! (Just had to add it...)


Approximating A Life - Were you a little girl in the 1970's?

Approximating A Life - Were you a little girl in the 1970's?

WOW. I was born at the VERY tail-end of 1980, but I can still identify with a lot of this, mainly due to my older cousins.

Ah, yes... The days of Smurfs, Little House on the Prairie, Strawberry Shortcake (incidently, I've acquired the nickname shortcake - which I love!), AND most importantly (although not mentioned in the post) CABBAGE PATCH KIDS (weird - that was a nickname back in elementary school)!

I apologize for all the posts today, but I've come across way too much good material.

More later.


Live From Concordia University: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Live From Concordia University: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Wow. This post is funny as all ....


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Shelley The Republican

Shelley The Republican

An interesting conservative view point. A nice, refreshing voice after reading a lot of conservative blogs written by stuffy, white men.

If you have a conservative bone in your body, you'll want to check this one out!

As for women having to be liberal democrats, I beg to differ!


Authors' Blogs!

Laura's Look
Doreen Lewis - Romance Author

As I was surfing this evening, the blogs of these two women caught my attention. Laura is a first time author who just completed her first novel and Doreen appears to have been published extensively. I am going to use it as a study of what I need to do in order to develop as a writer.

Much, much more later...




As a professed bibliophile (though I have been completely slacking lately), I am really surprised that I didn't come across this blog a long, long time ago. Oh well. Found it now!

I see a few good books in my future (as if I didn't have enough on my bookshelf!)...

More later.


Gifted Exchange

Gifted Exchange

The latest post in this blog just pisses me right off! First off, it is based on old research, as pointed out by one of the commentors. Secondly, it just perpetuates the idea in our society that younger is always better. Also, it leaves out the fact that gifted children from rural backgrounds do not have the opportunity to accelerate. And finally, it encourages children to grow up faster. Why should they? There is already tremendous pressure for kids to grow up fast; they don't need it from academia too.

Oh, and I almost forgot. There are a few more beefs I have with this post. It doesn't discuss disparity in educational resources (specifically funding for graduate school or a PhD program), nor does it place any value on real life work experience. And finally, as one commentor mentioned, it doesn't take into account how happy or well-adjusted each individual was either.

All in all, I'd say it is a load of BUNK.

More later...


A photo in the life......

A photo in the life...

Very clever idea... I want to come up with something that would catch on like crazy, like Post Secrets.

More later.


Ms Vickie The Southern Belle

Ms Vickie The Southern Belle

Another interesting blog that I need to explore more deeply.
The South Rises Again...

That one was for Brian ;-) He definitely has the heart and soul of a Southerner - hence the NASCAR obsession.

More later... Lindsey

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lindsey's Attic

Lindsey's Attic

I finally ended up getting my E-Bay store up and running!
Feel free to check it out; I have quite a range of useful items.

Everything from a engagement and wedding ring set to jump ropes! And no, I'm not kidding :-)

More later...


Monday, April 03, 2006

Incredible Blogs on Infertility and IVF

40 Mournings and Nights
The Fertile Soul

This woman's journey is simply amazing. Simply amazing.
As a result of reading what she wrote, I am considering writing a blog concerning my concerns, views, experiences with growing up having Turner Syndrome.

More later...


Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Family Homestead

The Family Homestead

Amazing blog! I hope that I am that involved and that organized when I have kids!

More later...


Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Weedy Garden: Summer's Coming!

The Weedy Garden: Summer's Coming!

As you might have noticed, I've been extremely bored today!
Well, this little piece from the weedy garden really makes me want to plan and plan some more! Brian and I have lots and lots of ideas for this summer, but we need to start commiting.

More later.


Decision ‘08

Decision ‘08

Very nice blog! Something for both sides...
Snagged it from "A Blog for All."

More later...


Blogthings - How Irish Are You?

You're 50% Irish

You're probably less Irish than you think you are...
But you're still more Irish than most.

Another quick quiz by blogthings. Yes, I am that Irish. And I did think I was more Irish than I am.

More later.


The Weedy Garden: My Way

The Weedy Garden: My Way

Amazing, amazing take on choosing the path of one's own life. Honestly, it makes me feel good! While I'm not concentrating on reproduction currently, I am focusing on creating a life with Brian rather than my career at this point. Some in my family may question this, but if Brian and I have a successful relationship first, then I can fit in a wonderful career later - right? :-)

Looking back on my work/career history, it has always come second to my education and to my happiness. Isn't that the way it should be? I am not going to work tirelessly at creating a true career unless I know that my work will be noticed and that I will be recognized in SOME shape, way, or form. Even if it is a simple thank you.

Honestly, I think that is why I love E-Bay so much. People truly think that Brian and I are doing a great job!

More later...


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photobucket